Eat These 5 Foods to Restore Great Erections and Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure
Hey, Matt Cook here, and if you have high blood pressure and want better erections, this will be the most important report you will ever go over.
As a health researcher, I occasionally find revolutionary discoveries that utterly change the game.
And it just happened again.
Because you can improve erections and lower blood pressure at the same time.
Fully naturally.
And it's really easy to do. In fact, it works so well, that the drug companies would patent this if they could!
Here's the full story... 5 simple foods that improve penis blood flow, and also lower blood pressure to normal levels...
Now before we look at the five foods, I want to show you exactly how penis blood flow and blood pressure are connected...
Take a look at the photo below:
In this photo, you can see how the blood travels from the heart to other organs through wide, flexible blood vessels...
These vessels carry blood to other tissues and organs (like the penis), replenishing them with essential oxygen and nutrients.
This is why proper blood flow is so important.
But over time, toxins and poor dietary habits cause stiffness in the blood vessels.
Scar tissue can form which makes the blood vessels shrivel up and lose their flexibility...
...meaning less blood is flowing throughout the body, and the body's vital organs and tissues are receiving less blood, less oxygen, and fewer nutrients than they need.
The heart tries to respond to this problem by turning up the pressure.
It tries to force more blood through these narrow, constricted vessels and this raises blood pressure.
It's like a water hose filled with cement.
When you turn the hose on while it's blocked up with cement, very little water is going to come out...
The only way you're going to get any water out of a blocked-up hose is by increasing the water pressure... higher and higher and higher...
...and hoping that the pressure is enough to blast the water through all that blockage...
And it's a good thing your body does this.
High blood pressure is actually protecting your organs.
High blood pressure is actually a good thing when your arteries are stiff and clogged.
It's the only way your heart can force enough vital blood to the furthest reaches of your brain.
High blood pressure keeps you alive and kicking when your blood vessels are stiff and clogged.
But the key is that fixing high blood pressure can be done with pills... but then the pressure is NORMAL, but the blood isn't getting into the furthest reaches of your organs anymore...
So fixing blood pressure with pills is like fighting a fire by sending the firemen back to the station. The fire still rages on -- as it does in your body.
What you need to do -- what you must do -- to get good blood flow again and lower blood pressure, is to make the arteries flexible again.
You must take the cement out of the garden hose. So the water can flow smoothly and with low pressure again, just as it used to. So all your vital organs, your penis and your brain, get the nutrients they need.
And there is a second benefit to getting normal pressure by opening up the blood vessels naturally...
You can get your doctor to take you off the blood pressure medications.
And that's great because these medications actually make blood flow to the penis worse, which makes ED problems worse...
And as we've seen, bad blood flow may result in less blood reaching your brain and other organs, causing faster aging and all sorts of issues...
...maybe even cancer and Alzheimer's disease...
But when you naturally make the blood vessels flexible and open again, everything starts getting fresh new oxygen...
...and you begin experiencing extraordinary erections again.
Here's why the answer isn't blood pressure medications...
As you can see from this diagram, blood pressure medications interfere with blood flowing into the tiny penile arteries.
And this is a big problem because the penis needs good blood flow too.
Great blood flow is essential for great erections.
When oxygen-rich blood flows into the penis, erections are harder and longer-lasting.
So a healthy man should really have erections all the time, every day and even during the night 60% of the time while he is sleeping.
Erections irrigate the penis with fresh blood, and fresh blood keeps the blood vessels in the penis flexible like flexible elastic pipes.
So "morning wood" is a great sign -- it's proof that a man is getting great blood flow.
But when morning wood stops and erections become more difficult, this is a sign that blood flow is suffering...
And if you don't use it, you lose it as far as erections go.
That's why it's so important for men to keep getting great blood flow for great erections.
The blood pressure pills do nothing to fix blood flow, which erections depend on.
So men taking the pills still find themselves not being hard enough for penetration, or they go soft in the middle of intercourse.
When men bring this problem up to their doctor, he just tells them it is "a part of getting older, nothing to worry about..."
As far as I am concerned, I don't want to end up in the medical rathole, taking eight or nine different pills every day...
I've seen firsthand what these drugs can do to people...
I watched my very own doctor dad, the smartest man I ever knew, go from treating his own patients... not being able to talk, or control his own bowels... all because of the side effects of these terrible drugs...
I didn't want that to happen to me.
So I buried myself in research, desperate to find a natural way to solve this terrible blood pressure problem.
I started reading about this connection between blood flow and blood pressure, and blood flow and erections...
And I was suddenly hit with a stunning realization...
There are five vitamins and minerals that are essential to good blood flow...that provide blood flow to the penis and lower blood pressure...
Yes it's true: These five foods actually clear out the blood vessels that feed blood to the penis, and restore their flexibility for better blood flow...
You see, people with high blood pressure have very low levels of these essential vitamins and minerals. And this puts the cells under great stress.
Scientists call this problem oxidative stress, and virtually everyone with high blood pressure has high oxidative stress:
And this is simply because they don't have enough of these important vitamins and minerals.
However, when we do get enough of these essential vitamins and minerals by eating these five simple foods, our oxidative stress goes down...
Our blood vessels become more flexible...
They get larger, they open up, and the pressure in the blood vessels goes down even more...
So these five natural foods actually lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and restore great erections in just a few short weeks...
So men can get off the pills, get normal pressure and great erections, and escape the medical rathole forever.
And it's all thanks to these five essential vitamins and minerals I discovered when I was reading 10 to 15 medical studies a day...
...and traveling around the world to different countries to talk to some of the oldest, healthiest men on Earth.
With their help and a lot of trial and error, I discovered the five essential vitamins and minerals for great blood flow and great erections...
The first essential mineral I discovered that many men need more of is potassium.
Potassium is provided in huge quantities in fruits, vegetables, and potatoes.
If you eat lots of really good natural foods, you get 5,000mg to 15,000mg of potassium every day.
And here's why potassium is so important...
Potassium helps the body control sodium levels and it also helps control blood sugar levels.
Yes, that's right. Potassium can not only fix blood pressure problems, it can go a long way to lowering blood sugar.
Here's how that works...
If you don't get enough potassium, your cells take up too much sodium.
Too much sodium leads to inflammation of the blood vessels...
...and this leads to bad blood flow, which stresses the heart out.
And then high blood pressure is inevitable. Along with blood sugar issues, which can lead to diabetes.
But when you get enough potassium, your body naturally gets rid of the extra sodium through your urine. And your blood sugar becomes more normal.
Inflammation in the blood vessels goes away.
And potassium improves blood flow by easing the tension in your blood vessel walls:
When your blood vessel walls are relaxed, blood flow is better. And when blood flow is better, erections are better too.
And your blood pressure fixes itself.
The best way to get enough potassium is to get it naturally through the food you eat.
Because taking potassium supplements can put you at risk for getting too much.
But it's tough to eat just fruits and vegetables and potatoes.
I found this one simple food that is the best source of natural potassium, exactly the amount men need for great blood flow...
So when men eat this food, their blood pressure lowers and their erections return, thanks to improved blood flow.
The second essential vitamin I discovered for better blood flow is calcium.
Almost all men are deficient in calcium.
And that's really bad.
Because when men don't get enough calcium, their parathyroid hormone level rises.
The parathyroid gland secretes parathyroid hormone. And parathyroid hormone is something you really do NOT want.
Parathyroid hormone causes fibrosis. It pulls calcium out of the bones and deposits it in the blood vessels.
Yes, you heard that right.
Not enough calcium leads to parathyroid hormone and that leads to hardening of the arteries.
It's the #1 reason men have high blood pressure. Parathyroid hormone makes your blood vessels stiff, and it clogs them with calcium plaque.
You may have heard that plaque in the arteries is made from cholesterol, but that is wrong.
The real danger is calcification in the arteries.
Because that becomes scar tissue...scar tissue that forms in the heart muscle and scar tissue that forms in the erection chambers of the penis:
And this is one of the leading causes of long term, even permanent, erection problems.
Even if it's not that bad yet, this scar tissue is creating blood flow problems, which we now know leads to erection problems.
So get enough calcium -- and that will bring down your parathyroid hormone levels...
And getting plenty of calcium prevents this scar tissue from forming in the penis and protects erections.
But it is possible to havetoo much of the wrong form of calcium, and this is why supplements can be risky...
When you eat this natural food full of just the right amount of calcium, you prevent this scar tissue from forming and keep your blood vessels clear and open.
So you can actually reverse bad blood flow and naturally lower your pressure.
And your erections are restored, and they are harder and longer-lasting.
You may think that drinking milk or eating cheese is good enough. It is very very good, but it is not necessarily the best way of getting calcium.
The third essential mineral I discovered for hard, longer-lasting erections is magnesium.
A lot of men have a hard time getting enough magnesium through their diet. Most foods don't contain much magnesium.
And gut issues prevent men from absorbing magnesium even when they consume enough.
The little amounts of magnesium that men do consume gets locked up in the hard outer layer of the bones. Where it can't enter the cells and do its wonderful work.
When you think of magnesium, think "relaxation."
Magnesium helps cells relax. Relaxed cells mean open, relaxed blood vessels.
Not stiff ones, but relaxed and opened ones.
Magnesium helps the cells and blood vessels relax for better blood flow.
So it can be tempting to turn to a supplement to get magnesium.
However... I've discovered a simple, natural food that gives men all the magnesium they need for better blood flow and better erections.
More than 300 biochemical processes in the body actually depend on magnesium, including blood pressure.
But most importantly, magnesium helps the blood vessels relax.
So when you eat this particular food rich in magnesium, you relax the linings of your blood vessels, including the vessels in the erection chambers of the penis...
...and this allows for better blood flow and better, longer-lasting erections.
And it also lowers blood pressure.
The fourth essential vitamin that many men are deficient in is niacinamide.
Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3, but with a different chemical structure, and it has a unique role in the body.
Niacinamide increases the energetics of every cell.
So in many ways, niacinamide rolls back the clock on aging cells. It restores a youthful metabolism.
So what does niacinamide do to blood flow and blood pressure?
Plenty. Good levels of niacinamide can improve circulation all over the body and increase blood flow:
This naturally lowers blood pressure while also making the cells young and healthier.
So when men get enough of niacinamide, erections are harder, more engorged, and they last a lot longer.
And I've found a simple food that is loaded with niacinamide, and it tastes pretty good too...
The fifth and final essential vitamin for great blood flow, great erections, and naturally lower blood pressure is Vitamin K2.
Remember how I said men need enough calcium, but it's important not to get too much?
Well Vitamin K2 actually helps tell the body to put the calcium back into the bones.
Here's how that works. Remember how I said calcium can clog the blood vessels and make them stiff like a garden hose filled with cement?
Vitamin K2 is like a calcium reset button. It makes the calcium leave the blood vessels. The calcium goes back into the bones. The vitamin K2 makes the blood vessels clear and flexible again. Like the garden hose without cement.
...with vitamin K2, you have more open, more flexible blood vessels, and you have stronger bones and teeth.
Vitamin K2 is vital -- it keeps the blood vessels clear of blockages and improves blood flow to the penis.
And when blood flow is better, erections are better too.
And I've discovered one delicious food that has all the Vitamin K2 men need.
Plus, as an added bonus, when men get enough Vitamin K2, it reduces the chance of heart disease by more than 50%.
All you have to do is combine these five foods into a simple shake and drink it every morning to naturally lower blood pressure, increase blood flow, and restore great erections.
So fantastic erections are as easy as sipping a delicious, nutritious drink.
And making this shake takes less than 45 seconds, so it's simple enough to fit into any man's morning routine.
When you begin drinking this blood pressure shake, your pressure starts dropping little by little...
...five points, then another five points, then 10 more points...
Soon you will lower your pressure by 40 points. And each week, it will is falling lower and lower...
Were you 160/100? Now you're 120/80. Wow. Just wow.
In fact, you may find your pressure is too low....
And the next time you go to the doctor, he will take your pressure and barely believe what he is seeing...
"I don't know what you're doing," he will say to you, "but whatever it is, keep doing it... you don't need the pills anymore, your pressure is perfect."
But the best part about drinking this blood pressure shake will be the amazing erections you will start getting all the time.
Your wife or girlfriend will wake up and look at your impressive morning wood with wide, beautiful eyes...
And you'll be so hard and stay hard for 30 minutes or more, and you'll be able to make love to a woman once, twice, sometimes three times a day!
And if you use the five foods...
You'll find that you sleep better, your sexual performance is better, you're happier and more energetic...
You'll find that you don't get tired as easily.
You'll find that working out becomes appealing and fun to you, rather than a chore. Now it's easy to mow the lawn, take the dog for a walk, or even lift weights.
When you eat one or more of these five simple foods, you'll also see an increase in important male hormones such as testosterone and DHT...
And as I've experienced, higher testosterone and higher DHT leads to bigger muscles, less belly fat, and better bedroom performance.
It sounds crazy, but you may even be able to out-compete a lot of younger men.
Recently, I started playing basketball at the community center, and I'm wiping the court with these young guys.
And it's all because I got my health back, thanks to these five simple foods.
Men who are eating these 5 foods are reporting amazing results.
John L. says:
I truly believed that my issue wasn't medical and that there had to be a way to help this without going to a doctor.
My fear was that at 43 years old I would be taking unnecessary pills for the rest of my life, without really knowing what the cause was.
I found your course and after a little hesitation decided to go "all in".
I am glad I did.
I immediately learned what the cause for my issue was, and could clearly see how it came about as I listened to you explain where it comes from.
Needless to say it gave me great hope and confidence. I haven't even been through the entire course and have already seen great improvements.
But more importantly I see the certainty of an amazing sex life as I get older. Knowing that things can get better is a great feeling.
John L.
And Gregory says:
I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23 prescription drugs a day.
Now for 2 years I am on a vitamin regimen that eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue.
Thanks for your input on this area of life that I am now beginning research into.
Sincerely: Gregory
One of my students, Harold, started out a skeptic... but now he's a true believer in my Blood Pressure Protocol:
I was somewhat skeptical about your blood pressure program.
I am here to tell you that I have been off the blood pressure meds for one week now and feel great.
I'm dating a couple of gals and they both are enjoying the new me as much as I am enjoying my old self...
Everyday it seems that getting more like my old self.
Thanks for everything,
PS. You ever down Texas way, give me a holler and come by...
And Jerry, well he's already off his blood pressure medications and experiencing impressive erections again.
He says he now has a diamond cutter that his wife just loves to touch:
Dear Matt,
I have applied all of your techniques and my testosterone is 1240 and I am off of my diabetes medicine as well as my blood pressure medication.
I get so hard now I can't even believe it and I can last forever.
All my wife has to do is simply roll over and touch my leg and I have a diamond cutter.
Me and my wife want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because of your help we have our fantastic love life again.
So thank you for all of your help, your courses are everything you say they are and more. I would recommend your courses to anyone who is experiencing problems in the bedroom.
Your courses are nothing short of miraculous.
Thank You for everything.
It's great hearing these wonderful results from men.
Many men won't do anything about their situation and they won't get these results.
I think you are different, and I am thinking you'll eat these 5 foods and get great results.
Then there's Bob, who's 85 years old and getting fantastic morning wood again every morning:
I don't know how i forgot to tell you.
I woke several am's lately with wood that lasted ten minutes or more.
How much longer might it have lasted if i were not alone.
I'm thrilled!
Cheerio, Bob
Age 85
And I have pages and pages of testimonies just like these, but I'm looking for more from men like you...
So I’m giving away the simple shake recipe with the 5 foods for free!
That’s right -- you can get the free report on the shake and how to use the 5 foods immediately.
I’m giving the recipe away free in the hopes that you will start benefiting from these 5 foods and write me a testimony.
That’s how confident I am that this will be working great for you.
Now, obviously, I can't make the decision for you, but I don't think it's a coincidence you found this page…
So go ahead and give this blood flow shake a free test drive!