Matt Cook's "Up Her Drive" Protocol
Hey, Matt Cook here, and if you have a wife or a girlfriend with a low sex drive...
...or if you are single and looking for a long-term relationship...
...then this is going to be the most important thing you read all year...
Because this will show you how to keep a woman's sex drive at a roaring maximum thrust...
...and not just when you meet, not just in a year, but in a decade or 5 decades...
And for single men, this is critical because it lets you enjoy your partner knowing that things will keep getting better sexually...
And for married couples or long-term beaus, this will allow you to avoid the dreaded "dead bedroom" and keep her desire for you at an all-time high.
Trust me when I say that her thirst for you never has to go away...
Not if you stick with me to discover exactly what I have uncovered about a woman's sex drive...
Is the Up Her Drive Protocol For You?
If you're a man who loves having sex and wants to keep enjoying a full sexual relationship with a woman for the rest of your life...
...then yes, this is for you!
See, I designed this protocol for any man to benefit from.
So this works for men who have been married 10 or 20 years...
It works for men with girlfriends who are in committed relationships...
And it also works for single men who are dating or planning on dating women in their 30's and up.
And not only will the woman in your life benefit from this protocol, you will too!
Because when her sex drive matches your sex drive, the fun never stops.
And one of the best parts about this protocol is how fast it works.
Many men report back to me with great results after just a week or two.
And what that looks like is the woman in your life feeling randy in the morning when she spots your morning wood...
...climbing on top of you without any convincing from you and a big grin on her face!
It looks like your wife pinching your butt before dinner for a quick bit of fun...
...or your girlfriend stopping by the office for a long, tasty lunch break...
And I know for a fact that you will be blown away by how incredibly simple this protocol is.
It may sound complicated to reboot a woman's sex drive and keep her interest in you high no matter how long you're together... but with this protocol, it's so easy!
It takes 3-5 minutes to put the Up Her Drive Protocol into action...
...and then all you have to do is sit back and enjoy what happens next...
In fact, I spent years struggling to find a solution, trying complicated techniques before realizing how easy it can be to restore a woman's drive...
But all the struggle was all worth it.
Because now it can't get any easier for you, me, or any man to use the Up Her Drive Protocol and enjoy a woman with a high sex drive...
My Story: From Dead Bedroom to Sex 4-5 Times a Week
My wife, Jodi, and I have been married for 33 years.
We met right after high school -- and the moment I saw her, I felt my blood pumping harder...
I still can't believe that this beautiful, exciting, flirtatious woman is into me.
And every time we have sex, her passion and drive blows me away...
For most of our marriage, Jodi and I have enjoyed a very full and satisfying sex life...
Even when we started having children, her sex drive stayed high, almost as high as mine.
Our other couple friends would be jealous of our PDA behavior and ask to know our secret...
And I'd hear from my buddies who had dead bedrooms at home, how their wives or long-term girlfriends just weren't that interested in having sex anymore...
"My wife, Jodi, is special," I'd say to them. "She's always had a high drive, and that's part of what drew us together."
I was confident that nothing could ever ruin what we had in the bedroom. Too confident...
Because shortly after that, everything changed...
Jodi turned 35 or 36, and suddenly, without any warning, her sex drive starts melting away.
She begins turning me down in the bedroom, using excuses like "I'm tired" or "I have a headache."
We have sex maybe once a week, tops, and she doesn't seem that into it.
And at first, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Maybe just a phase she's going through.
But as more and more time goes on, Jodi's interest in sex dwindles and dwindles...
Until one day, I realize it's been 4 weeks without sex...the longest we've ever gone...
And naturally, I'm starting to get impatient. I'm so horny...but she isn't.
And sex is so important to me. And it's always been important to us, and to our relationship.
So why is my wife suddenly turning me down night after night?
Did I do something wrong? Is she unhappy? Is she stressed?
I try talking to Jodi about see if there is something I can do...
And since Jodi knows how important sex is to me, she starts making more of an effort, mainly for my benefit...
But I can see she's forcing herself...and I can't get any pleasure out of it if she isn't getting pleasure.
At one point, she even tells me I'm hurting her.
She's just so dry down there...even when I go down on her, she isn't lubricating at all on her own...
It doesn't feel that good for me, and it certainly doesn't feel good for her... so we give up.
Weeks turn into months...and things are really, really bad...
We are no longer connecting at all romantically... no kissing, no touching...
We are sleeping in the same bed, but it feels like we are islands separated by a massive ocean.
We are so disconnected... and I start to worry, is our marriage doomed?
It's difficult for me...because my wife is everything. She's the love of my life -- but...
I can't be in a sexless marriage... I think you'll agree that most men feel the same way...
At first, when Jodi's sex drive started waning, I was masturbating a lot...
...staying up late to watch porn for hours...
But that got old very quickly...I was craving the real touch of a woman, the real touch of my wife...
I even fantasized about being with someone else a few times.
But I could never, ever do that to Jodi. I could not cheat on my wife.
So I find myself at a crossroads...
I could leave my wife, or I could figure out how to restore Jodi's drive and restore our intense sexual relationship.
I picked the latter -- and that began my journey to studying women's sex drives...
To reading dozens of medical studies a day, for all the latest research on women's libidos and what drives their interest in sex.
I began calling up university professors and scientists to pick their brain and ask follow-up questions on their experiments.
I even left the country to talk to tantric masters in Cambodia and Thailand, to see if there were ancient remedies that may restore a woman's drive.
And this is what began my journey as a health researcher.
In fact, what I uncovered landed me an interview with ABC News and kicked off my entire career.
And today, believe it or not, Jodi and I are back to having sex at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes or more.
Things really could not be any better for us right now, and I am completely satisfied by her drive and desire for me.
And I don't say this to brag or rub it in, but to show you that it is very possible to revive your woman's sex drive and renew her interest in sex... matter how low her libido is... matter how many times she's said she's done with sex... matter how long you've been going through this...
Because I've discovered why women lose their drive, why their interest in sex starts to fall, and what men can do about it to help restore it.
And I'm going to reveal it all to you right now...
What I've Discovered About Women's Sex Drives
First off, I've found that low sex or no sex relationships are quite common.
It's also common for couples to have mismatched sex drives -- and usually, it's the man who has a higher drive than the woman.
In fact, I've done surveys with the 400,000 men who now follow me and my work...
...and about a third of these men are in this exact situation themselves...
So right now, you may be currently living with a woman who you love very much and are fully committed to...
...and still, naturally, you feel a huge sense of loss and frustration with her not wanting sex as much or as often as you do...
And I get it, I really do. Any man would feel the same way.
And it's not your fault for feeling this way... but it's not her fault either...
Women's Sex Drives Are Very Different From Men's
Let's be honest... with men, sex is never far from the brain.
That's just how we are biologically wired. Men are wired to want and crave sex.
So most guys are thinking about sex constantly.
And our bodies respond much faster to sexual stimuli, like a naked woman on TV for example.
So in a way, it's like we are ovens that never need to be preheated!
That's how we can turn it on in an instant -- be ready for sex whenever, wherever.
Whereas with women, it's a little trickier than that...
Women are designed to warm up to sex more slowy...they need time to marinate, so to speak...
And a woman's sex drive is more fluid, more variable than a man's.
With women, sex drive largely depends on mood, emotional wellbeing, if they feel safe, valued, and respected.
And while men's sex drive is more consistent over time, women's sex drive is more likely to go through periods of highs and lows.
So it's very important to understand these key differences in sex drive between men and women if you are married, in a relationship, or looking to be in one any time soon...
Because even the reasons why women lose interest in sex are very different compared to men...
5 Reasons Why Women Lose Their Sex Drive
Reason #1: Stress/Worries
Stress is the biggest sex drive killer for both men and women.
But women tend to worry more...
Women are often multi-tasking machines who juggle many responsibilities day to day.
They take care of kids, take care of the house, sometimes work a full-time job...
...all while taking care of their husbands, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of themselves and their appearance.
Women tend to be worried about a 100 things at a time, and this can create a lot of stress and anxiety.
And nothing kills sex drive faster than being stressed and worried all the time.
In fact, it triggers a physiological response from the body.
Hormones like cortisol and epinephrine increase, and high levels of those hormones cause a loss of libido chemically in the body.
So it's no wonder women don't want sex when they're stressed out and worried...the chemicals they need for libido are missing!
Reason #2: Big Pharma Drugs
There are also a lot of prescription drugs that can cause a woman to lose interest in sex.
Antidepressants, antihistamines, opioids, certain blood pressure medications, statins, and even birth control pills can make a woman completely lose interest in sex.
These drugs mess with a woman's brain chemistry, disrupting her hormones and leaving her libido practically nonexistent...
And if a woman is taking multiple medications, her chances of facing sexual dysfunction are even higher.
So low libido is a common side effect of many Big Pharma drugs -- and most women aren't being warned about it by their doctors...
Reason #3: Big Life Changes
Others reasons why women can lose interest in sex has to do with what's going on in her life.
Big life changes like losing a job, having a baby, moving, or dealing with financial insecurity can kill a woman's sex drive.
And this is because a woman's sex drive is so different than a man's.
A woman's sex drive fluctuates much more often, and it depends a lot more on her emotional state of being.
For instance, if a woman loses her job, she may be low in confidence and feel bad about her self-worth.
And these feelings make her shutdown sexually.
One group of women studied by researchers reported that holding down a job, being a mom and a wife is "highly desexualizing."
Proving that most women find it difficult to shift into romantic mode after changing diapers or fulfilling professional roles.
So even though these women are very committed to their marriages, they find it nearly impossible to restart their sex drive when focused on other things.
Good or bad, big life changes lower a woman's drive, and sometimes it doesn't come back with time...
Reason #4: Trauma
Trauma is another reason why women can have zero sex drive.
You may think it unlikely that you will ever meet or be in a relationship with a woman who has suffered trauma...
But it's a lot more common than you think. In fact, you may be with a woman now and not know she's suffered trauma.
Women are twice as likely to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder.
Women also report more sensitivity to triggers that remind them of their trauma. So it can make it more difficult for them to heal and move on.
Trauma, even childhood trauma, can chemically change the way a woman views sex and impact her sex drive for the rest of her life.
It shifts the neural pathways in the brain and can deaden sexual desire.
Some women may not even realize that a traumatic event from their past is affecting their intimacy now.
But it can greatly reduce sex drive and completely kill desire...
Reason #5: Hormonal Changes
Lastly, but perhaps the most common cause of low sex drive in women is hormonal changes.
Women's hormones change throughout their lives as part of their natural fertility cycle.
It can spike at certain times of the month or at certain ages.
For instance, when a woman enters her late 30s, she approaches perimenopause -- the 4 or 5 years before menopause.
And most men don't realize that perimenopause can cause just as many hormonal changes as menopause itself.
In fact, this is what happened with my wife, Jodi.
With perimenopause, a woman's periods start becoming very irregular...
This causes hormones like estrogen and testosterone to rise and fall very erratically and without warning...
...causing mood swings, migraines, hot flashes, and a loss of drive.
Sometimes sex drive can shoot up very high one night and be extremely low the next. It varies woman to woman.
But eventually, by the time full menopause occurs, chemically induced drive is lost.
The hormones and chemicals in the brain that make a woman desire sex can get critically low.
Sometimes, menopause can not only cause women to totally lose interest in sex, but also make sex painful.
Vaginal dryness can occur with menopause -- and if sex is painful, women aren't going to want to have sex.
I experienced this with my wife, Jodi, without realizing it was a symptom of menopause.
But the good news is that there is one single simple solution that will bring back a woman's drive and desire in almost all of these instances...
Guys, It's Not About Being Sexy...
You may have noticed that one of the reasons why a woman loses her drive is NOT because you, her man, are not sexy enough...
Despite what most guys think, it doesn't work this way for women.
In fact, a recent study found that most wives don't think their husbands are sexy.
Only 38% of married women think their husbands are sexy compared to 60% of married men.
But these married couples still reported having a healthy sexual relationship...
And this shows us that sexiness isn't that big a factor when it comes to a woman's sex drive and sexual desire for a man.
So if you think the reason why your woman doesn't desire sex anymore is because of your attractiveness or sex appeal, think again...
The problem isn't with YOU...
The problem is actually something I call Dead Drive syndrome...
Quick Quiz: Is Your Wife or Girlfriend Suffering from Dead Drive Syndrome?
Dead Drive syndrome is what I call it when women lose their drive and no longer have any interest in sex.
And to know if Dead Drive syndrome is affecting the woman in your life, ask yourself these quick questions...
Question 1: Does she say things like "I don't feel attracted to you anymore"?
Question 2: Does she almost never initiate sex?
Question 3: Does she turn down opportunities for sex most of the time?
Question 4: Does she ever say that sex hurts or is uncomfortable?
Question 5: Does she often say she is not "in the mood"?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, the woman in your life is almost certainly suffering from Dead Drive syndrome.
And in fact, there are 3 particular stages of Dead Drive syndrome your wife or girlfriend may currently be in right now...
3 Stages of Dead Drive Syndrome in Women
Stage 1
In Stage 1 of Dead Drive syndrome, a woman's interest in sex varies a lot.
One day, she may be jumping your bones, surprising you with her desire...
And other days, she may want nothing to do with you and have no real reason for it.
Another tell-tale sign of Stage 1 is if she complains about really painful periods.
Some women have painful cramping, heavy bleeding, migraines, and severe mood swings.
And when you do have sex with her, she may feel less wet than she normally gets for you.
Then there's Stage 2...
Stage 2
In Stage 2 of Dead Drive syndrome, a woman's interest in sex really starts noticeably waning.
At first, it may be just once or twice a week that she turns you down...
But it keeps increasing in frequency, until you're lucky to have sex once a week total.
This is the stage when her libido really takes a hit, and it's because she's going through intense hormonal changes inside.
She may complain of being too hot, then too cold, not hungry, then starving.
And her menstrual cycles may start becoming very irregular.
She may even bleed without warning while you're having sex, and lubrication may also start becoming more of an issue.
This is when men really start taking notice that something is changing with their wife or girlfriend...
And if the problem is ignored, things will continue to get worse...
Stage 3
In Stage 3 of Dead Drive syndrome, a woman's interest in sex is at level zero.
She no longer has any interest left in sex. She may even tell you she's done with it altogether.
And if you do convince her to give it a go, you will find that she can't get wet on her own anymore.
Her vagina may feel rough and dry, and it will likely be painful for her.
This is when many men write to me saying they fear their marriage or relationship is over...
This is when many men give up...
They feel hopeless and out of options. They think there's no going back to how things were before...
They feel that their sex life is doomed forever...
But fortunately, no matter what stage of Dead Drive syndrome your woman is in, my solution can help...and fast...
My Big Breakthrough: How to Bring Back Desire
After researching a woman's drive for many years and studying the reasons why libido disappears, one thing is certain...
No matter what the reason is for a woman losing her drive, it all comes back to hormones.
Whether it's a big life change, a medication, menopause, or perimenopause... it all comes back to a woman's hormonal makeup.
A woman's hormones control her drive, just like testosterone and DHEA control ours.
And for women, the most important hormone is estrogen.
Except, not in the way that most people think...
See, when I first started researching Dead Drive syndrome in women, estrogen was considered the end-all, be-all when it came to women's issues...
Doctors were taught that estrogen was the answer to a woman's menopausal or perimenopausal symptoms.
The idea was that women just needed more estrogen and all her symptoms would go away.
So women were given estrogen treatments through hormone replacement therapy (HRT) all the time.
But one day, when I'm reading my usual 10-15 medical studies a day, I stumble onto something huge...
A bombshell study released by the Women's Health Initiative on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women:
This study from the Women's Health Initiative... it showed that giving women more estrogen was actually dangerous!
The study found that giving women estrogen increased the risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attacks, even breast cancer.
So immediately, the study was halted and major scientific bodies came out to declare HRT unsafe for menopausal symptoms.
It caused huge shockwaves in the medical community -- but for me, it was the beginning of the solution.
Because finally it clicked for me...
It's not that women don't have enough estrogen... it's that most women have too much estrogen!
It's not like us guys with testosterone, where we can never get enough.
For women, they need estrogen levels in precisely the right place -- not too high and not too low.
Otherwise all her other hormones will become imbalanced.
And this is what causes perimenopause and menopausal symptoms, and ultimately Dead Drive syndrome in women.
But here's the good news...
This means it is more than possible to reboot a woman's sex drive...
Naturally and safely, without using Big Pharma drugs or chemicals.
So this is what I have been studying -- how to restore a woman's drive to what it was before the hormonal changes took place...
...either from age, or because of a specific event or trauma...
And perhaps even increase a woman's drive beyond what it ever was before...
That's been my goal for the past 5 years, and I think I have finally accomplished it...
How to Naturally Restore a Woman's Sex Drive
As soon as I realize too much estrogen is the problem, I start looking for the answer...
I start researching all different methods of lowering estrogen levels and optimizing a woman's hormonal makeup.
For months, I experiment with different combinations of supplements and vitamins.
My wife, Jodi, is a willing participant -- turns out, she was missing having a high sex drive too, almost just as much as I was!
So she becomes my willing guinea pig for weeks on end...never running out of patience with me or my experiments.
And thanks to her help, I finally find a solution that really works. And it couldn't be easier.
In fact, I've found that it's as simple as using the right combination of natural supplements and vitamins to restore a woman's sex drive.
However, they have to be mixed up and applied in just the right way...
I call it the Up Her Drive Protocol and it restores a woman's sex drive by restoring her hormonal makeup to the right levels.
And it's so easy to use -- all it requires is a few cheap, natural supplements and vitamins that you mix up at home...
Your wife or girlfriend applies the mixture in a unique way once a day, and in no time at all...
...her sex drive will come roaring back!
And there is nothing dangerous or risky about the Up Her Drive Protocol.
Of course, I'm not a doctor and cannot give you or any woman medical advice.
However, almost any woman can use the Up Her Drive Protocol safely without any worries at all -- just ask your doctor if you're unsure.
The Up Her Drive Protocol is a natural solution to all of the reasons why women lose their drive.
And it works by restoring the right hormonal makeup, no matter how long it's been disrupted.
And not only can this protocol restore a woman's drive, it may even increase it to new heights!
Plus, lubrication usually improves as well, thanks to the Up Her Drive Protocol.
Now Jodi and I are finally enjoying the passionate and pleasurable sex life we've been missing, and our desire for each other is back to being well-matched.
Psst...Women Love to Talk!
I found myself underestimating how much women love sex too...
Because once I help my wife, Jodi, restore her drive, word starts spreading!
Jodi starts telling all of her girlfriends how much better things are, how her drive is back and better than ever...
They see us at restaurants and friendly get-togethers acting like newlyweds and nuzzling each other all night.
And I guess my wife's friends are going through similar situations with dead bedrooms at home and no drive to speak of.
Because one by one, Jodi's girlfriends start asking me for help!
These women are also going through Dead Drive syndrome -- and now that they know it's not their fault and that it can be reversed...
...they are willing to try anything to bring back their drive!
Because believe it or not, women love sex too.
A lot of women are very unhappy when they lose their drive and think that it's their fault somehow.
Some women are too embarrassed to ask for help -- but know that almost every woman I've spoken to wants her drive back!
These women miss sex too, and they love their husbands or boyfriends so much and value their sexual relationship.
So once I begin sharing the Up Her Drive Protocol with my wife's friends, they start reporting back with great results!
That's when I knew I had to get this out there, so more guys could take the initiative and get back the sex life they used to have or have always wanted...
How It Feels to Be with a Woman with a High Sex Drive
When you use the Up Her Drive Protocol with the woman you're with... things just get better and better...
If you ask me, it's like being with a young, horny school girl again!
Now it's not just me having to initiate things in the bedroom...
Jodi is coming up to me, rubbing my leg, kissing my neck, smacking my butt!
She comes onto me just as much as I come onto her... and she craves being with me like I crave being with her.
I can tell when we go to bed together... she is so wet, proving how much she wants me...
And it's a wonderful feeling, let me tell you. It's like that honeymoon phase all over again.
Except it doesn't end, it just continues and gets better and better.
Because that's what the Up Her Drive Protocol is designed to do.
It's designed to help keep a woman's drive high and keep her interested in sex the entirety of your relationship.
It's designed to work for any woman of any age to help restore drive, increase desire, and increase lubrication.
So that's what it does! And I think you will find that it makes life absolutely wonderful.
Special Message for Single Men
If you're single and currently without a woman in your life, you will still benefit tremendously from this.
Most guys I work with are dating women in their 30s, right about the time these hormonal shifts begin taking place...
And chances are, you will start seeing a woman who's drive fluctuates.
Maybe you will want her drive to be higher when you are together.
And that's where the Up Her Drive Protocol comes in.
It's not just for men who are married or in a long-term relationship...
It's for any man dating a woman of any age -- because all women have hormones and will undergo these changes at some point in their life.
Try the Up Her Drive Protocol for FREE Right Now
You can try my new protocol for free and start rebooting and restoring her sex drive tonight if you want.
I'm going to tell you exactly what to buy and where, and how to get each vitamin and supplement for less than a few bucks.
And they will last you a long time because you only need a little bit of each to create this special mixture.
I'm also going to show you exactly how to use this protocol, how often, and what to expect and when...
And you will find other little tips and pieces of advice tailored to each specific stage of Dead Desire syndrome your woman may be in.
In fact, the Up Her Drive Protocol can be uniquely personalized for you and your woman depending on your exact situation -- I'll show you how.
All of this and more is yours FREE today with the Up Her Drive Protocol.
Every Single Benefit of the Up Her Drive Protocol
- Reboot and restore a woman's sex drive...
- Using this mixture of natural supplements and vitamins applied in a unique way creates the right hormonal balance for a woman's sex drive to matter why she's lost her drive or how long it's been...
- After a few days or a few weeks, women start feeling their drive and desire for intimacy return...they are feeling things they haven't felt in months, mayb class="img"e even years...
- Potentially increase her drive to new heights...
- One of the biggest benefits of this natural protocol is how it may even increase a woman's drive beyond what it was before...
- So women who always had a low sex drive may find that they are suddenly "in the mood" all the time and wanting it badly morning, noon, and night! Just make sure you have the energy to keep up with her new desire!
- Improve a woman's natural lubrication potential...
- When women's hormones are out of balance from menopause, perimenopause, or something else, it can cause vaginal dryness that makes sex painful or impossible...
- The Up Her Drive Protocol naturally counteracts vaginal atrophy that happens as a woman gets older -- so she will stay wet down there for you no matter how long you've been together, and it will feel really good for you and her a class="img"ll the time!
- Can help prevent PCOS and other female problems...
- The natural supplements and vitamins in this protocol can help smooth out a woman's fertility cycle, so periods are more regular and produce less unwanted symptoms...
- This may even help prevent Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and other hormonal conditions that hurt a woman's sex drive and cause her to lose interest in sex...
- Relieve unwanted symptoms of menopause or perimenopause...
- It's inevitable that women will go through menopause at some point in life -- but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Thanks to the Up Her Drive Protocol, many women find these transitions easier and less noticeable...
- Symptoms like hot flashes, dryness, and mood swings become less frequent when hormones are stable...and instead of sex drive swinging between extreme highs and lows, it stays high and healthy, much to your e class="img"njoyment!
- Enjoy a fun and exciting sex life for the entirety of your relationship...
- Most women have just a high a sex drive as men, but their hormones get in the way... that's why it's so common for women to suddenly start losing interest in sex once you've been together for a while...
- It's not your fault and it's not her fault! And with the Up Her Drive Protocol, you can prevent sex drive from falling over time. So your desire for each will stay well-matched for the entirety of your relationship, allowing you to enjoy each other fully in bed as long as you are together...
- May make a woman more open-minded to trying new things...
- Some men are reporting that their wives or girlfriends are becoming more open-minded in the bedroom now that their drive is back!
- Suddenly, these women are more interested in oral sex, in trying anal, in giving their man more pleasure...they have a new sexual appetite and they're looking to you to class="img" help satisfy it!
- Increases sexual frequency...
- Research shows that the more women have sex, the higher their drive is. So once you restore her drive, she will naturally want more sex... and then having more sex will make her want to have even more sex... and what a lovely cycle for you to be a part of!
- Now she is going to be the one initiating sex for a change, and much more often than you ever expected! And you will be enjoying sex every day or every other day, maybe even twice a day...