They Are Killing Health Researchers…
… and They Don’t Want You to Know About It

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, a 60-year-old holistic doctor and health researcher studying a cure for serious brain conditions…

In 2014, Dr. Bradstreet famously spoke at a medical conference in Chicago to share his amazing discovery…

He had found a way to treat and cure over 3,000 patients.

In his Georgia clinic, Dr. Bradstreet treated patients ranging from 16 months to 21 years of age and found that:

  • 85% significantly improved
  • 25% were completely cured
  • 15% were unaffected

The secret? A natural immune component called Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, or GcMAF.

I’m now going to show you some killer applications of GcMAF, and show you why so much research is focusing on this particular immune component…

See, GcMAF is not just a minor player in the body…

It is perhaps the most important chemical in the entire body that defends against bacteria, viruses, and most importantly, cancer.

GcMAF is like a magic bullet that laser focuses on and destroys virus and cancer cells — without hurting healthy cells at all.

Hundreds of researchers are focusing on GcMAF for this reason.

So how does it work?

Well, the GcMAF creates these mega white cells, called macrophages, that gobble up and destroy invader cells in the body:

These mega white cells engulf not just bacteria, but viruses and cancer cells too…

…and most importantly, they heal the body from within.

So GcMAF is a good thing, as you can see. A life saver.

But every Superman has his kryptonite, and in this case, the kryptonite for GcMAF is the enzyme known as nagalase.

Without getting into painfully scientific details, nagalase is made from cancer cells and other viruses like the flu, HIV, herpes, and many others.

What nagalase tries to do once it gets into the immune system is neutralize GcMAF.

Nagalase is the enemy that weakens the immune system, which GcMAF — our superhero — is trying to protect.

When the nagalase wins, it causes immunodeficiency in the body by countering the good effects of GcMAF.

This is why nagalase is Public Enemy #1 in our body. It makes our bodies susceptible to disease, terrible viruses, and cancer.

However, as it turns out, when you inject fresh GcMAF into the body, it restores the body’s own natural immunities…

Meaning, our superhero gets a huge energy boost and comes back strong enough to take out the bad guys for good.

That extra shot of GcMAF stimulates those mega white cells in the immune system, and then they seek out and destroy the virus and cancer cells:

And without anymore virus or cancer cells, there’s no more nagalase.

So it’s possible that GcMAF can cure just about every disease that affects the immune system…

That’s why Dr. Bradstreet was so obsessed with studying this particular immune component… and he wasn’t the only one.

Another health researcher named David Noakes was also studying GcMAF.

Noakes was using GcMAF to cure cancer in his lab in England and producing it himself. He branded it “First Immune”.

Since Noakes’ lab was one of the only labs in the world producing GcMAF, Dr. Bradstreet arranged a meeting with him.

The two shared notes and ultimately decided to collaborate on their work with GcMAF.

Soon Dr. Bradstreet was using Noakes’ GcMAF injections to successfully treat patients all over the world…

Patients in the U.S., South Africa, China, India, Eastern Europe, and South America all reported tremendous results.

Here’s what the parents of one of Dr. Bradstreet’s youngest patients had to say about using the GcMAF injections:

We started seeing the changes between 4-6 weeks after we started the GcMAF.[Our 2-year-old-child] was being more interactive and aware… We found a big difference in his focus and eye contact. He was able to go to school for the first time.

All anyone had to do was go online, order a dose of GcMAF, and it could be shipped to them anywhere in the world.

Parents wouldn’t have to take kids into the doctor, and they could administer the GcMAF injections themselves.

They called Dr. Bradstreet a hero, a savior, a miracle doctor!

His breakthrough discovery was helping so many people.

It could very well be the secret to curing many terrible diseases…

… most notably cancer, which claims the lives of nearly 600,000 people each year in the U.S. alone…

But there was only one problem…

Just one year after Dr. Bradstreet spoke publicly about his discovery on GcMAF… he was found dead in a river in the mountains of North Carolina.

Suicide they said… except that Dr. Bradstreet was shot once in the chest.

His family and friends, patients, and even strangers around the world found it strange…

Why would he kill himself, and why would he shoot himself in the chest?

He was a medical doctor and he knew just how painful it would be to die that way…

Nearly 90% of suicidal men shoot themselves in the head or facial region, not the chest.

And Dr. Bradstreet wasn’t suicidal… he had a loving family, and his work was inspired by his very own son who struggled with disease.

He was curing him!

And most importantly, he was on the brink of the biggest medical discovery in modern medicine… a way to eliminate cancer and other deadly diseases in one swoop.

Stranger yet, just one day before Dr. Bradstreet’s mysterious death, the FDA produced a warrant to raid Dr. Bradstreet’s office and confiscate his research on GcMAF…

You should know that the FDA performs these raids all the time… and it’s really pure theater.

Because it’s all just a show of force, a way to intimidate doctors and researchers who have come too close to a cure…

And it’s usually the little guys, the small companies that aren’t even a threat to the big pharmaceutical giants…

FDA Raids One Stem Cell Lab and Warns Another in Regulatory Push

They go after small businesses and family-owned companies…

Big Dairy and FDA Team Up Against Small Bussiness

And many innocent Americans are targeted while trying to run a legal business…

Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs — here are 5 tips for surviving one

Because Big Pharma isn’t stupid… they know that just one small business or one independent lab can slash their insane profits in half with just a single cure.

Really all it takes is one passionate health researcher or one single doctor… if they dig deep enough, looking for another way to cure people — a natural, safer, more effective way…

Well… who knows how far Big Pharma would go to stamp it out.

Because let me put it this way…

If diabetes was cured, Big Pharma would lose $33 billion..

If chronic pain was cured, they’d lose close to $85 billion… and that’s just in a single year.

That’s about the same amount of money paid to ALL farmers for ALL the fruits and vegetables in the United States…

And that cool $118 billion isn’t even half of what Big Pharma makes in a year… not even close.

Because think about it — Big Pharma sells hundreds of drugs and treatments and they all make billions of dollars in profit each and every year.

It’s almost impossible to imagine that much money…

And when there’s that much money being made, the stakes are just as high…

So what I’m saying is… if you happen to come up with a cure for HIV or god-forbid cancer… prepare for the FDA to bust in at 3am with machine guns pointed in your face…

Because that’s exactly what happened to Dr. Bradstreet, and then to Noakes’ lab in England too.

It was right after their work with GcMAF started picking up steam, right when people in the medical community started noticing their results…

Of course, the FDA (and the E.U. equivalent) claimed “alleged impurities” as the reasoning behind the raids, but there were zero complaints from the patients using GcMAF…

In fact, patients were reporting the opposite, that the GcMAF was curing their diseases…

This is one reason why the families of Dr. Bradstreet and David Noakes don’t believe the FDA’s story…

They believe that the GcMAF research was seized because Dr. Bradstreet and Noakes had gotten too close to the truth…

The truth that GcMAF can naturally cure any deadly disease affecting the immune system, even cancer…

…and that someone confiscated it all to cover it up.

Imagine just for a moment that this is all true…

…that there may be a simple, natural cure inside all of us…meaning no more pills, no more dangerous treatments, no more chemicals…

Imagine how the world of medicine would change… how the entire medical industry would change..

Because if natural GcMAF injections could really cure any major disease, who would buy Big Pharma’s drugs?

Here’s a Facebook post from Noakes’ “First Immune” page right after Dr. Bradstreet’s death:

Dr Bradstreet has been under attack by big pharma for his success during all his professional life so there is no way he would have committed a suicide for just another attack.

He was murdered; the FDA were clearly involved, and the other suspect is the MMR vaccine co-orporations, who work with the FDA.

Many of Noakes’ and Dr. Bradstreet’s former patients shared the post and wrote comments in support of their work with GcMAF.

They too believe Dr. Bradstreet was silenced for getting too close to a cure.

And Dr. Bradstreet isn’t the only doctor who was silenced permanently…

What if I told you that many other holistic doctors and health researchers — nearly 90 of them — disappeared or turned up dead in a single year…?

And what if I told you that almost all of them were anti-Big Pharma, and that many of them had links to GcMAF…?

Would you believe it?

Because although it sounds unbelievable and crazy… it’s true:

Mysterious Holistic Doctor Deaths Are On The Rise

By Josh Hamilton | Posted on Oct 13, 2017

There’s Dr. Baron Holt, Dr. Bruce Hedendal, Dr. Teresa Ann Sievers…

…and Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, just to name a few…

Many of these researchers and holistic doctors all died within a few weeks of each other under mysterious circumstances…

…and many were connected by a single common link: GcMAF.

Dr. Whiteside? He successfully treated lung cancer in many of his patients.

Then he suddenly disappeared while on vacation with his family… took a walk and never came back…

Public deserves whole story on whiteside death

And Dr. Gonzalez? He was actually famous for curing cancer with his very own “natural” discovery:


And he was no dummy… he told Vitality Magazine when they interviewed him that several people had already warned him of the risks of going public with the discovery…

He said that people kept telling him Big Pharma wanted him “hit by a bus”…

Not long after that interview, Dr. Gonzalez died from a sudden “massive heart attack”, even though he was very healthy with zero major health problems

But was it really a heart attack? We may never know…

You may remember a story that was all over the news in 2010, about a Hamas operative being taken out by the Israeli government in a hotel in Dubai…

Dubai Hit: Police Say They Know How Mahmoud al-Mabhouh Was Killed

March 1 2010

They used a drug called succinylcholine — a lethal muscle relaxant that can be almost impossible to trace.

It can poison someone and make it look like they died from natural causes, or from a stroke or even say, a heart attack…

It’s been called the perfect poison:

Succinylcholine, A Perfect Poison, Makes Appearance in the Dubai Killing

Anyone with enough money, influence, and power can get their hands on this drug.

And unlike the succinylcholine case in Dubai that had international consequences, most doctors and coroners don’t know how to recognize the drug and don’t even think to look for it.

And many of these dead holistic doctors and health researchers died bizarre deaths that were chalked up to “natural causes” or sudden “heart attacks”…

…even when they were in great shape with no major health problems…(and at the top of their games professionally…)

And according to the people who knew these doctors and health researchers best — they all had something else in common that’s even more chilling…

Many people believe these doctors and health researchers were close to revealing a secret about Big Pharma…

Remember nagalase, GcMAF’s kryptonite?

Well, you could say (and many do) that nagalase is Big Pharma’s best friend…

Why? Because it makes people sick and keeps them going to the doctor all the time.

And all of these dead doctors and health researchers studying GcMAF also studied nagalase…

…and supposedly they had come to a conclusion on where the nagalase comes from, and how it gets into our bodies…

Many of them believed Big Pharma has something to do with it…

Because when it’s introduced into the body, it makes us more susceptible to diseases that Big Pharma can treat us for indefinitely and at an insane profit

That’s why so many doctors were researching GcMAF… it’s almost like a miracle drug… except it’s not a drug…

It’s found naturally in the human body already, and it can cure almost every major disease.

It can keep us healthier and living longer, and no longer dependent on Big Pharma’s drugs.

So let me ask you something now…

If all of these holistic doctors were close to finding cures to cancer and other deadly diseases… were they killed to cover it up?

Hey, Matt Cook here.

For those of you who already know me, you know that I’m also an outspoken critic of the pharmaceutical industry…

And just like these deceased holistic doctors, I too believe in alternative approaches to medicine.

I believe in healing people naturally, without Big Pharma chemicals and their side effects.

And now it appears as if health researchers all over the world are dying from mysterious circumstances…

…I can’t help but wonder if I’m next…

For instance, have you ever thought about why there aren’t more medical breakthroughs and cures, when so much money is supposedly put toward researching these cures?

We’re talking about some of the smartest people in the world, those with multiple PhDs, who work on researching cures full-time for their entire professional lives…

You could fill up Dodger Stadium with these people.

And yet, not one of them has come up with a cure for ALS or a cure for autism…

… or even a cure for cancer in which millions of dollars has already been funneled in to sponsor just that…

Well I have a theory… and I think it’s a pretty good one…

I think it’s because Big Pharma doesn’t want to cure cancer…

Because how would they stay in power and keep making enormous profits if people were getting healthier and needing their treatments less and less?

Why cure cancer, brain disorders, and other terrible diseases if “treating” people keeps them rich and in power?

… Big Pharma doesn’t want these breakthrough discoveries getting out…

Because they’re discoveries that threaten Big Pharma’s enormous profits and its monopoly on the health industry…

They have the largest profit margin of any industry in the world:

They don’t want you living to be 90, 100, or 120 years old!

And I think this may be why these healers and health researchers are dying so mysteriously, one after the other…

… people who devoted their entire lives to helping others and saving future lives, gone without logical explanation…

I think they were onto something big, something that Big Pharma would do anything to suppress…

Twenty one years ago, I started this journey to become a respected health researcher…

And every day without fail, I spend hours upon hours researching men’s most pressing health problems, and reading thousands of medical studies to find natural fixes.

I’ve seen the damage that Big Pharma chemicals can do firsthand…

My own father was robbed of decades of his life because he took a common diabetes treatment that just made him sicker and sicker…

Just this year, I’ve answered 31,321 emails from men who are looking for another way…

They want to be healthy naturally and live to be 120, without suffering terrible side effects and taking handfuls of pills…

In the course of my work, I’ve traveled to 12 different countries, sometimes to 3 or 4 of them in a single year…

I’ve trekked through the wild jungles of Cambodia to find a mysterious herb that helps men grow bigger “down there”…

… climbed one of the tallest mountains in South America to talk to a renowned shaman who shared with me the secret to living longer

… and I’ve been up to my elbows in mud in remote areas of Peru to find a secret natural berry that can banish ED for good…

Throughout the years and all of my travels, I’ve talked to hundreds of men about their own personal health experiences.

I use everything I read, hear, and see first-hand to discover natural ways to help these men feel better, live longer, and have the best sex life possible.

Here’s what a few of them have to say about my discoveries:

“Hi Matt,

I can attest to the fact that your protocols work!

I have lost weight and my libido has improved immensely it’s like I do not believe it and this is just four weeks into the program.

Regards and thanks again Matt”

– Jerry


I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23 prescription drugs a day.

Now for 2 years I have on a vitamin regimen that eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue.

This due to 6 months of research.

Thanks for your input on this area of life that I am now beginning research into.

Sincerely: Gregory Jay Chaney

I don’t think you are being to blunt or to honest at all but KNOW the drug companies would like you to go away. Be careful! I hope you don’t just disappear someday!

I’ve been following your advice for maybe a month now and have been practicing the techniques for maybe two months.

The member is working better than it ever has before. My wife who says she doesn’t enjoy the techniques, is up for intercourse ANYTIME and has taken to seducing me if we go more than a day without having intercourse.

So keep up the good work Matt and I hope the drug companies don’t make your life miserable.

You and your group are a personification of the concept that “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”.

– Bruce from Minnesota

And once word got out about my health discoveries and the amount of men they were helping, ABC News called me for an interview:

Matt Cook, the noted relationship expert, gave an interview to ABC News and has been widely quoted on methods of bringing passion and sex back into otherwise stale relationships. Cook announced reporters from around the world are contacting him for additional interviews.

I’m probably the only person they’ve ever called about increasing sexual pleasure and sensation with a simple method that costs nothing and takes only minutes to learn…

Currently, over 200,000 subscribers read about my daily medical discoveries for men…

… discoveries that can naturally and safely reverse diabetes, relieve pain, end ED, fix blood pressure, and much more…

My discoveries are my life’s work, and when you put them all together, they can help men live to be 80, 90, 100, or even 120 years old.

That’s why I fear I’m on Big Pharma’s hit list…

When I shared all this about the dead holistic doctors and health researchers with my wife, Jodi, she was immediately worried about my safety…

She begged me to keep a low profile, to not draw attention to myself or my discoveries…

At first, I agreed with her… I didn’t want to put my family at risk.

But I kept getting emails from men who needed me and my work…

These men are dying prematurely from Big Pharma chemicals, watching their marriages and families fall apart, and just getting sick and sicker every single day…

It’s like passing a homeless, starving child on the street and choosing to just ignore their plight…

I could never do that. No decent person could.

If my discoveries can help men and save lives, I have to get them out there.

My wife and family understand… but of course, they are still worried about me.

Hell, I’m worried about me!

But you must know the truth… the world needs to know.

And at this moment in time, I have 209,000 men depending on me.

So I’ve been digging deep, and I think I’ve found the connection between all of these dead or missing holistic doctors…

And there are others who have discovered this link as well, not just me…

They all say that it’s their work with GcMAF…and that someone got rid of them to cover it up, to keep people from knowing the secret…

The secret that you now know — that GcMAF can cure viruses, cancer, and any other diseases…

…and that it’s already found naturally within all of us…

And if this is all true, it makes my own work all the more important…

Because I’ve discovered a way for men to live well into their 90’s and 100’s, without pills…

…and be HEALTHY, not withering away in a nursing home or hooked up to machines.

My discoveries can treat your pain better than opiates, reverse ED and other harmful side effects from Big Pharma’s “treatments”, and provide you with many sexual benefits.

One of these discoveries alone practically makes the possibility of a heart attack ZERO!

Another discovery shows almost any tumor can regress and disappear on its own…

And I’m going to share these discoveries with you, even if it puts me in Big Pharma’s crosshairs…

These are probably the very same sort of discoveries these other holistic doctors and health researchers stumbled onto…

… and for that reason, they may have been — as the television programs say — terminated with prejudice.

But I will not let their intimidation tactics keep me from pursuing my life’s work.

I’ve helped thousands of men become healthier, happier, and live longer, and I must keep going.

For example, one of my proven studies reveals how 97% of prostate cancer surgeries are probably unnecessary…

I discovered a better way to shrink prostates and to reduce the chances of prostate cancer by over 95%…

Metastatic Prostate Cancer in Men Initially Treated with Active Surveillance

Toshihiro Yamamoto, Bindu Musunuru, Danny Vesprini, Liying Zhang, Gabriella Ghanem, Andrew Loblaw and Laurence Klotz*

From the Division of Urology and Department of Radiation Oncology (BM, DV, CG, AL), Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Even if you’ve been diagnosed, there are simple tweaks that make it much easier to live the rest of your life without going down the medical rathole…

…without getting one prescription after another from doctors and feeling like a vegetable on your own couch… that’s the medical rathole.

And here’s another big discovery I made…

I found that you may be better off doing nothing rather than taking blood pressure pills… because sometimes the pills are far riskier than the high blood pressure…

This huge study found that there’s almost no difference between the folks who were treated for high blood pressure…

…and who were not treated at all…

The chance of death was actually higher for the people treated with blood pressure medications…

And sometimes you are more at risk from the treatment side effects — depression, erectile dysfunction, being tired…

…and blood pressure drugs often cause a striking increase in Alzheimer’s risk…

…and many blood pressure medications increase your risk of blacking out when you stand up.

You finish a meal, push your chair back, and the next moment you’re on a paramedic gurney.

What happened? You blacked out and fell.

It’s a very common side effect that nobody is talking about, and it’s responsible for literally millions of hospital admissions, broken hips, and concussions each year.

Will blood pressure medication do you any good if you break your hip and die of an infection in the hospital?

In fact, a simple do-it-yourself fix has helped thousands of men get to normal blood pressure without pills. This fix is fully natural — no drugs, no medications.

But doctors don’t know about it. They’re not trained in natural remedies in medical school…

Another jaw-dropping discovery I found revealed that most doctors who become terminally ill AVOID chemotherapy, despite recommending it to their patients…

Doctors avoid chemotherapy because they know of better ways…

You might be thinking, how could there be a better way to stop cancer than chemotherapy?

Well, chemotherapy cannot be a continuous process and doctors know this…

It has to stop sometime, and then restart, because otherwise the patient will die.

The chemotherapy will kill the patient if it’s applied continuously.

So they apply the chemotherapy in short bursts, with rest periods that give the body a chance to recover.

The trouble is, some cancer cells survive…

These cancer supercells are doubly as virulent and doubly as threatening because they survived the chemotherapy.

Now your body is off the chemo for a much needed break… and these cancer supercells get even stronger than ever and multiply like crazy.

So knowing all this, doctors turn to other, safer and natural alternatives…

…and these alternatives are common supplements like the ones that you have right now in your bathroom or kitchen.

Here’s something else that really made my eyes widen, because I always thought I was eating healthy…

…but apparently certain commonly accepted “safe” fats dramatically raise the threat of cancer.

These fats are all around us as our food is cooked in them.

I thought I was eating healthy food, but it was soaked in these dangerous fats that cause cancer.

According to Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg, cancer cells require fats in order to multiply.

They simply cannot multiply without a lot of fat.

And in fact, if you deny fat to cancer, the cancer fails to grow, and even dies.

In this study, they found out that cancer cells do generate their own fat, but that they also must have fat from your surrounding tissues:

Cellular Fatty Acid Metabolism and Cancer

And researchers even went further to discover that lowering fat levels in the tissues slows down or stops the growth of cancer.

And this is a repeatable and predictable way of stopping cancer… Lower fats, stop cancer…

However, I just recently went to dinner at my neighbor’s house and his wife was frying chicken in an iron pan…

She tipped a bottle of soy oil as it filled the pan almost halfway…

Then the chicken browned in the soy oil and once it was on my plate, there was hardly any oil left in the pan – the chicken soaked up all that cancer-causing oil!

And most of U.S. households and restaurants use these oils and cook food this way too.

But all it takes, believe it or not, is a simple change to keep cancer away from your food and yourself.

And brace yourself for this one… because you’ll discover what the longest living people on earth do to live longer and how you can do it immediately yourself…

These people routinely live to 100, and often much older…

Another thing I discovered was the list of “Dangerous Medications That Most Men Should Never Take”…

Drugs like:

  • atorvastatin (Lipitor)
  • fluvastatin (Lescol, Lescol XL)
  • lovastatin (Mevacor, Altoprev)
  • pravastatin (Pravachol)
  • rosuvastatin (Crestor)
  • simvastatin (Zocor)
  • pitavastatin (Livalo)

In fact, you may be taking one or more of these “blacklisted” medications right now…

But why would you take a drug like these with all the terrible side effects, if there are natural ways of lowering cholesterol that work even better?

I found natural options for virtually ALL of the Big Pharma drugs…

There are at least three studies showing damage and side effects from each drug for that drug to be considered for this list.

And I’ve also provided safe, natural alternatives that you can try with your doctor’s blessing…

These natural alternatives work better and are far safer than the Big Pharma pills…

And these natural alternatives are backed by numerous studies and research, while those Big Pharma medications may be banned eventually due to their terrible side effects.

But it doesn’t end here because one of the biggest problems we face today is the fact the almost every other man has diabetes that’s fixable!

I remember meeting a diabetic at this barbeque my neighbor was hosting…

This diabetic man told me that he has to sit all the time because his feet hurt so much from the diabetes.

He couldn’t do more than a couple of minutes of walking without having to stop to let the pain subside.

At his next medical visit, the nurse had a hard time finding a pulse in his feet.

She said the blood wasn’t flowing right. And he could expect diabetic complications, maybe even losing his legs eventually if they couldn’t fix the blood flow.

And this was a guy who went on cross-country trips… now he can only share stories at the table. He never dreamed he’d face possibly losing his legs.

And what was this diabetic man taking, that was making his legs go numb?

Like many other diabetics, he was prescribed Metformin by his doctor…

…but what neither of them knew was that Metformin was quite possibly causing him the diabetic symptoms in his legs:

So as it turns out, Metformin causes something called “peripheral neuropathy” that’s responsible for this man being inches away from losing his legs.

It’s not the diabetes, it’s the Metformin causing all that damage. Pills often cause problems that are worse than the disease they are supposed to treat.

But luckily, there are renegade doctors like Steven Shoelson, a brilliant Harvard researcher, who really understands the importance of figuring out ways of curing diabetes, not selling expensive pills…

But before curing diabetes, we need to know what causes diabetes…

No one can really tell what the cause of diabetes is and it’s not sugar as people previously thought. Many scientists disagree on this topic.

But if we can find out the cause of diabetes, we can figure out a way of curing it… that’s not the approach today.

Today they just sell men expensive pills.

If we can figure out the cause, we can cure it instead of selling men expensive and dangerous pills that do nothing but treat the symptoms…

So what Dr. Shoelson did was conduct a landmark study on diabetes to find out, what really causes diabetes?

And he confidently established that it’s inflammation that’s causing type 2 diabetes:

So by using the landmark study results Dr. Shoelson found, I was able to develop this diabetes-fixing solution that has already helped hundreds of men.

So after hearing about this, I urge you…

….DO NOT buy another Big Pharma pill until you read this book…

What book, you ask?

Well… after discovering all these shocking facts, I started a revolution of my own…

I started sharing my health discoveries with thousands of people, and they were getting such great results.

For example, my wife Jodi stopped taking pills too.

She is in her 60’s, but she is often mistaken for a woman in her 40’s.

Our friends got wind of what Jodi and I were doing, so they hesitantly tried it after seeing our amazing results.

Then one evening, while we were all having dinner outside, my wife said the darndest thing…

She says: “Matt, you should write a book.”

The rest of the table fully agreed and while I was shaking my head, people were looking me in the eye and honestly telling me to do it.

So I thought about it… and I conceded that a book would be a good way to arrange my scattered notes and research papers into something much more easy to follow…

I titled my book, Healthy-to-120.

Inside this book, I reveal:

  • How to prevent prediabetes from becoming any worse and reversing diabetic symptoms without dangerous medications…
  • How to increase your sexual performance, so you can feel 100 times the sensitivity…
  • How to beat prostate problems and live without prostate surgery or medicines or having to get up and pee all the time….
  • …and if you’ve already had prostate surgery, the good news is that a method I came across in the jungles of Asia can help you recover your potency…
  • And this book also holds the secrets of older Japanese men who perform well into their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s…
  • And much, much more…

You will hear more about these almost unbelievable discoveries in a minute…

…but before I tell you more about the secrets in the book, I want you to know that you can have Healthy-to-120 completely FREE

Just help me out with the shipping and handling, so that I can afford to get this out to as many men as possible.

If you have a wife or girlfriend, she will benefit from this too, but it is especially for men.

Here’s what other men are saying about the methods from my book:

Jerry says it’s nothing short of miraculous…

Dear Matt,

I have applied all of your nutrition and diet techniques and my testosterone is 1240 and I am off my diabetes medicine as well as my blood pressure medication.

I get so hard now I can’t even believe it and I can last forever.

All my wife has to do is simply roll over and touch my leg and I have a diamond cutter.

Me and my wife want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because of our help we have our fantastic love life again.

So thank you for all of your help your courses are everything you say they are and more. I would recommend your courses to anyone who is experiencing problems in the bedroom.

Your courses are nothing short of miraculous.

Thank You for everything.

– Jerry

After applying my nutrition and diet techniques, his testosterone is now 1240 and he’s off his diabetes medicine as well as his blood pressure medication.

Jerry says that he gets so hard now he can’t even believe it and he can last forever!

“It changed my life” says Mike…

Your site and programs changed my life.

I am 59 years old and use Androgel for 2 years now, my doctor upped it up to 4 packages a day, but i really use only one, then my doctor was told that T in the blood needs to be checked early in the morning before eating and mine is over 900.

I do take at night natural supplements you recommend, and I am very potent in the early mornings, and combining it with your other advice made a major change in my sex life…

… I am not worried no more if I enter soft – it always is good now and gets hard and we last now for 30 minutes easily, without the worries of hard erection or not.

Being married for 37 years now, we again have desire and it also cuts the complaints and nudging-exactly as u explained.

Life is good now,


Mike’s 59 years-old and been married for 37 years. Now he again has desire with his wife and can last for 30-minutes easily, without worrying about getting hard.

Robert is 54 and his testosterone levels have fallen quite a bit…

I noticed an immediate change in my attitude!

I got cheery and started doing things I hate to do, like cleaning the toilet!

Now, at 54 years of age I can say that my testosterone level has gone down quite a bit and I have been very depressed after being dumped by my 30 year old hottie two months ago.

So all of a sudden this stuff catapults me out of a depressed state and has me excited about a walk about the local mall tonight to see what transpires!

I think it works on us guys in a way that actually causes us to produce testosterone!

This would be a God Send for all the guys on those stupid, ineffective testosterone creams!

Thanks for turning me onto this stuff, it may actually be the best for what ails us men!

– Robert

…so much in fact, that his 30 year old hottie dumped him two months ago.

But after he discovered Healthy-to-120, he noticed an immediate change in attitude!

All of a sudden, my book catapults Robert out of a depressed state and has him excited about a walk around the local mall tonight to see what transpires!

Don had one of the most unbelievable stories I ever heard, I didn’t even believe him at first…

…after he said that his wife had never experienced an orgasm in over 50 years!

Then, after going through my book, Don wrote me story after story about his wife’s new “discovery”.

I won’t get into the juicy details here because you can look at what Don and his wife said after getting the book:

So Matt, we were out of town for my 50th High School class reunion.

With no pressure to get up in the morning, make breakfast or take care of our pets, etc.. my wife went wild this weekend.

On Friday she was multiorgasmic for the first time in 50 years.

She was exhausted after coming 8 times.!!!

At 2:30 AM she woke me up to do it again. We continued for another two hours and several more orgasms on her part.

This continued on Saturday and Sunday. From all of her sexual energy, I came on Sunday for the first time.

I never, in my wildest dreams, believed this could be possible at 68 years of age, and she is 70!!!

Thank you again.


But all this helpful advice in Healthy-to-120 wouldn’t be worth a penny if you didn’t understand how to put it into action.

That’s why Healthy-to-120 has reinvented the way information is presented in a book.

If you need to take a precise action, I’ll tell you how to do it.

If there are some essential product names or terms you’ll need, I’ll provide them.

And if you want to follow up on a topic and get more information, I tell you where to find it.

Nothing is left out.

Because of these discoveries, I can honestly say that Healthy-to-120 is my ultimate achievement, my life’s work…

And if you take a few seconds now to complete your order, I’ll be glad to send your copy to you.

AND I’m also going to give you a private, limited-time only invitation to my personal daily newsletter.

Each month, Daily Medical Discoveries offers men specific expert guidance based on new discoveries…

Discoveries like preventing prediabetes from becoming any worse, and reversing diabetic symptoms without dangerous medications…

Or how to easily increase your sexual performance so you can feel 100 times the sensitivity…

Many new research spells out how to beat prostate problems and live without prostate surgery or medicines or having to get up and pee all the time.

If you’ve already had prostate surgery, the good news is that these methods can help you recover your potency.

Do you know the real truth about flu shots and what you should do during flu season?

You are going to be asked to take a special super duper high dose flu vaccine this year.

Should you take it?

And should you take a flu vaccine at all, or is it just a bunch of hype?

Efficacy of High-Dose versus Standard-Dose Influenza Vaccine in Older Adults

The secret I found can virtually prevent you from getting the flu.

AND KEEP IN MIND: Healthy-to-120 and the personal daily newsletter, are not available on or any other online bookstore.

I’ve printed a limited number of these Special Edition copies. They will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

And I don’t expect them to last very long…

Not when “the powers that be” seem to be silencing anyone willing to promote a natural cure…

So hurry and click the button below, and get your copy of Healthy-to-120 before they’re gone…

Hey… still here?

Well then let me just answer some questions you might have about myself, about Healthy-to-120, and about the ordering process, so you can make an informed decision on whether or not you should order this book…

Question #1: “I totally love Matt’s Healthy-to-120 book. I’ve been following the advice and the other tips, and I’ve got great blood sugar readings, and I’m getting amazing erections when I wake up. I’m only about 1/4 way through the book. What else should I be doing?”

Okay the answer is this: you have to read the rest of the book.

It isn’t that long.

Then after reading, you can’t sit on your butt.

You’ve got great results already, but can you IMAGINE how it can be when your inflammation is really completely gone, and you’ve become a total sex magnet?

When I started this, I wanted to not need to nap anymore in the day. I wanted to sleep less and feel more rested.

I wanted to be smarter, to work faster and better, to weigh less, and have more muscle.

And I wanted to really feel horny again. I wanted my dick to work.

I wanted to have that confident feeling that I could bang anyone anytime, and get respect by beating out other guys at work.

And I got that, I got all of that.

So it worked for me. It worked for a lot of guys.

Just finish the book, my man!

Question #2: “I like the content… it’s very unique, I’ve never read anything like it. I’ve had diabetes, but I think it’s mostly gone. I have had ED for many years too, but again I think it may be getting better. Now I’m starting to notice my penis stirring down there. How long will it take to get actual results in that department?”

A lot of our guys who order Healthy-to-120 have medications they’re taking for something or other.

As you go through the book, you begin applying specific recipes for diabetics or ED or high blood pressure, etc.

Lots of guys report blood pressure falls, they start getting hard-ons all the time, and they go to their doctor to reduce and eventually eliminate the pills they’ve been taking.

And they even get thinner and bulk up muscle without setting a foot in the gym. You are already seeing great results, just stick with it!

Question #3: “I’m 53, divorced, and in good health. I am down to taking just one pill, for blood pressure. And I work out pretty regularly. I have a girlfriend, but she’s not that into sex. My secret desire is to have a girlfriend who has a really high drive and acts slutty. Do I dare imagine that things will come back with my erections good enough to take that kind of girl on?”

Hey, you’re going to begin to feel more and more like Superman.

Just continue following the advice in the book and the various recipes that are there to help you make your manhood something that young guys would envy you for.

You may find as I did, that 30-minute or 60-minute erections are totally normal now, and that you can go for as long as you want.

Therefore, you can service a high sex drive girl at that point with ease! And you’ll have a lot of fun and pleasure trying…

Question #4: “I’m all in. I’m burning to get this, though before I order, I need to know for sure that my personal information is safe with you. How do I know I can trust you? And what will show up on my bill?”

I totally don’t want a dime of your money if you aren’t reading Healthy-to-120.

So I have this full money back guarantee and it’s always 100% my word of honor with you and never violated, ever. Not even once.

So yeah, you can trust my guarantee totally and completely.

And I have worked hard with my publisher to have this amazing support team always there to help you.

You can email us at and you’ll get fast help with any issues you may have including a refund.

We also man the phones so you can talk to a live person who will gladly help you out. The phones are manned with a U.S. based team whose only job is to make sure you are completely satisfied.

Question #5: “I’ve finished Matt’s Cook’s book and I’m totally loving everything about the new me. But it’s been two weeks now and I want to read more, when do I get the Daily Medical Discoveries newsletter?

You will get the Daily Medical Discoveries newsletter in the mail on a monthly basis.

Every time you open it up and read it, you will know more about dangerous Big Pharma drugs, natural and healthy solutions to many problems men face like prostate issues, low testosterone or bedroom problems, and much, much more.

How much does the newsletter cost?

Well, let me put it this way… the other day me and my friend went to Starbucks, we got a couple of lattes on the way and paid $8.42.

That’s the cost of this newsletter, even less than a couple cups of coffee, but you’re getting never before seen, behind the curtain secrets of Big Pharma, which is worth thousands!

After reading the newsletter alone, many men no longer need diabetes medications, blood pressure medications, or visits to doctors and therapists.

These men are saving thousands of dollars every year thanks to this cheaper-than-coffee monthly newsletter.

Question #6: “I bought this book a few days ago, and now my friend wants it as he’s already noticing my new energy levels and how I’m much closer to my wife. He wants that too, but he’s not sure if his credit card and personal information is safe…”

When you enter your card information, it is taken into a multi-million dollar server system that the big banks use.

It is the same type of system that Amazon uses. And it isn’t me that’s filling your order. It’s my publisher, Calworth Glenford, and Calworth Glenford uses 256 bit encryption.

Your card is much safer than it is if you plunk it down at a restaurant or department store because no employee ever looks at the card number.

Calworth Glenford has been in business since 1996, and they’re family owned and they’re not some fly by night.

They’ve had tens of thousands of customers and never, not once, has anything ever been messed up with their security. They have their full reputation on the line and they’re not here to take advantage of people or rip them off or end up in the newspapers.

And everything is spelled out and plain language. There are no fine print charges or anything greyed out to trick you. I hate that and I’d never allow that.

I hope your question was answered.

Don’t run the risk of staying with your life as it is right now, with crappy erections or no erections, and lower and lower confidence with women, and an aging body and a mind that every day keeps losing more and more brain cells…

Don’t risk just having a terrible sex life when you could be banging these girls left and right.

Or putting it into your wife the way she is craving from you, her man.

Healthy-to-120 is honest, it’s out there and up front.

You’ll gain the health, the sexual powers and the youthful performance and youthful body you used to have, or maybe never had, and you’ll become the winner you’re meant to be.

You’ll feel it in a way you haven’t for a long time, maybe ever.

And I don’t know about you… but I’m planning on having sex every day or every other day, for an hour or more, when I’m in my 90’s and well beyond, and only dropping dead while when my ticket is up.

You’ll be so excited to get up every day and be with your gorgeous wife, and have the metabolism and the youthful sexual vigor that you’ve regained thanks to Healthy-to-120.

All you have to do now, to get started on your new life, is click the button below…

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