Can Hair Loss Be Reversed in Men?
Hey, Matt Cook here, hair loss is something my family has always suffered from.
By the time my dad turned 60, most of his hair was gone.
And my poor brother Steven -- his hair started falling out way earlier, in his early 20s...
By the time he turned 25, my brother was completely bald.
And then there's my son, Travis, who is in his 20s...
One day, Travis comes in and tells me his hair is falling out...
He has a few bald spots and he's freaking out. He says he sees hair strands in the sink and in the shower...
I try to calm him down, to tell him it's not that bad...
But even I can see that my son has a serious hair loss problem. And he's young and seemingly healthy...
"I don't want to be like Uncle Steven," my son complains to me. "It's not fair."
I agree it's not fair... but there has to be a cause, something more than "it's hereditary."
My son saw a doctor, but he just told him it runs in our family and that it's an unfortunate thing some men have to deal with.
The doctor offered prescription drugs to supposedly slow down or reverse my son's hair loss, but my son wasn't comfortable with that -- and neither am I.
Those drugs come with some pretty nasty side effects and don't even work for most men.
And the only other option Travis was told about was implants -- implants that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. That was definitely a no-go...
So this starts me on my own journey to discover..
...what really causes hair loss in men, and what can be done about help my son Travis, and to help the 300,000 men who are avidly following my research.
So I start how I always do -- reading studies online, searching for as many scientific papers on the subject as I can.
And when that proves exhausting, I move on and talk to the experts...
Like my barber of 12 years, Willie, who has been giving men advice on their hair for more than 3 decades.
Interestingly enough, my barber Willie knows a lot of things that back up what I've read in research journals.
And Willie gives me a new perspective... in fact, he inspires me to come up with this hair loss solution I'm sharing with you now.
See, I've discovered that despite what most people say about hair loss just being genetic, it's much more than that...
Over 50% of men will experience moderate to extensive hair loss by the age of 49.
And it's not just because your dad did, or his dad before him...
It's actually because of one certain hormone in the body... estradiol...
Estradiol is the strongest type of estrogen the body can produce, and men do not want a lot of it.
For years, it has been well-known and well-reported that too much estradiol can cause hair loss in men:
And the normal drugs for hair loss don't do anything about estradiol...
Typical drugs for hair loss supposedly work by lowering DHT in the scalp... but this is not what we want...
DHT is the primary hormone that helps men feel sexual pleasure and reach orgasm.
So we want plenty of DHT in our bodies! But the hair drugs lower DHT...
So men on these hair drugs often lose sexual function...they have trouble reaching orgasm...they have ED...
Then they stop the drugs, but often the damage is very long term...
No thanks! In fact, I highly advise men to not use these drugs if it is possible to avoid them...
Because the real problem is this high estradiol -- and it's especially bad for hair health, as numerous studies like the one below show:
This extra estradiol binds to the hair follicles and starts attacking them...
...shrinking the hair follicles and slowing normal hair growth way down to a crawl...
This causes what is termed "fibrosis" -- calcification of the hair follicles that is thought to be "irreversible" (more on that later)...
And eventually the hair follicle is so clogged with fibrosis and calcium that it can't possibly grow another strand of hair...
So what can men do about this process of hair loss?
The good news is that there is beyond a shadow of a doubt that a real, natural hair solution exists...
In fact, I believe I've found a way to stop hair loss and in many cases, reverse it.
Jack wrote to me saying:
"I have been using your hair regrowth protocol for 6 weeks, then stopped for 2 weeks, and restarted 4 days ago.
It seems to have slowed down my hair loss so far. Time will tell if regrowth happens.
Thank you!"
And Marlo H. says:
"This really grows my hair!"
Another man named Gwyn D. says:
"It certainly cured my patchy beard and now it's very bushy. I use it daily still in my beard and massage it into the skin after a shower."
So here's how I made my hair solution breakthrough...
I've perfected a super simple way to protect the hair follicles from estradiol...
So no matter how much estradiol your scalp is producing, it won't necessarily lead to hair loss.
And it may even grow new hair...
I've discovered a few herbal ingredients that when mixed together, protect your hair follicles from harm.
You just use this herbal mixture on your scalp and rub it in before bed...
...and while you sleep, your hair follicles will be protected from the estradiol... they're wearing armor that the estradiol can't penetrate.
And instead of waking up to see hair all over your pillow, you may start seeing more and more hair on your head...
I call this the Stabilization Phase, and it's phase 1 of how my Hair Secret works.
You protect the hair follicles and stop the estradiol from weakening them and making them fall out.
Then it's time for Stage 2...
Stage 2 is the Rebuilding Phase -- and I think a lot of men are going to be very excited about this, especially my son...
Because not only does this herbal mixture often slow down and prevent hair loss, it also could stimulate fresh new hair growth at the same time!
Yes, another huge benefit of this herbal mixture is how it may boost blood flow to the scalp...
Researchers testing this herbal mixture on mice said it "facilitates hair growth by promoting the conservation of vascularization of hair dermal papilla..."
And it's perfectly safe -- these all-natural ingredients seem to help oxygenate the hair follicles, practically breathing new life into them...
This improves blood flow, and fresh blood flow makes the follicle healthier.
And the healthier your hair follicle is, the better it grows... until you may be experiencing a fuller head of hair than you even thought possible!
So with one simple herbal mixture, you may slow down and prevent hair loss while stimulating new hair growth at the same time.
Just look at this graph from a study comparing leading hair loss products like Minoxidil to the natural ingredients I use in my herbal mixture:
These natural ingredients beat out Minoxidil big time!
So I shared this herbal mixture with my son, Travis, and though he was skeptical at first, he's a true believer now!
Not only did this mixture stop my son's hair from falling out, it helped him grow new hair to cover up the bald spots.
And even though I'm not suffering from hair loss myself, I decided to start using some of this herbal mixture a few nights a week...
And I swear it's the reason why I have a full head of hair.
My wife loves running her fingers through it, and all my friends want to know how I got so lucky...
And I figure there can't be any harm in making sure my hair follicles stay healthy, so I'll probably keep using this herbal mixture for years to come!
So you don't have to be suffering from hair loss to use this herbal mixture and reap the benefits.
It's safe, each and every ingredient, and there are no side effects you have to worry about.
And better yet, I want you to have this Hair Secret formula for FREE -- so you can stop hair loss and promote new hair growth tonight if you want.
It only takes 15 seconds to rub some of this herbal mixture onto your head at night...
...and just think of how much happier and stress-free you'd be losing less hair and never having to worry about it again...
Imagine waking up every morning and looking in the mirror to see fresh hair growth on the top of your head...
Instead of thin, balding spots, your hair is now thick and full and healthy all over...
Now everywhere you go, men notice your full head of hair... and they are jealous...
Because you are looking years younger now and you are full of confidence...
Even strangers and random women are coming up to you and complimenting you on your thick head of hair...
They all ask: "What's your secret?"
They're wondering, is it good genes? Are you getting implants? Is it just plain dumb luck?
And you just smile in response because you know it's none of that... it's just Matt Cook's Hair Secret formula that you're getting for free!
Here's everything you can expect when using my Hair Secret formula:
- Slow down and prevent future hair loss...
- In phase 1, the Stabilization phase, the ingredients in this herbal mixture protect the hair follicles from the hormone estradiol...
- It's like your hair follicles are encased in armor, and now they can stay healthy and strong no matter how much estradiol your scalp produces.
- Stimulate fresh, new hair growth...
- In phase 2, the Rebuilding phase, the ingredients in this herbal mixture help improve blood flow to the scalp...
- This extra blood flow oxygenates the hair follicles, breathing new life into them... and this may stimulate fresh, natural new hair growth on the top of your head...
- Avoid the need for dangerous drugs or expensive treatments...
- Many men can be tempted to just take a drug to stop hair loss, but these drugs can be really dangerous and come with a lot of unwanted sexual side effects, primarily ED...
- Now you have a safer, more natural option to potentially stop hair loss -- and you can avoid paying thousands of dollars for toupees or hair implants.
- Let it work while you sleep...
- This is the easiest hair loss solution on Earth because it only takes 15 seconds to apply and then there's nothing else you have to do. It does all the hard work for you while you're fast asleep...
- Look and feel 10-15 years younger...
- The best part about slowing down hair loss and stimulating fresh new growth, is what it does for your appearance!
- Suddenly you are looking more like you did 10-15 years ago. You're looking younger and younger, and people keep mistaking you for a man much younger than you really are -- but you don't mind!
- Gain confidence in your appearance...
- A lot of men suffer a big dip in confidence when they start losing their hair -- but once you start using my Hair Secret formula, your confidence will build right back up again...
- Women will be complimenting your hair left and right, other men will be jealous of your locks, and you'll be looking younger than ever...