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My Vasodilation Discovery Increases Blood Flow to the Heart, Organs, and the Penis!

Hey, Matt Cook here, and I've discovered how men can solve a very common health problem and gain great erections again...

Poor erections are often because of this common health condition in men.

But most men -- and their doctors -- mistakenly think this health condition isn't a big deal...

But men and their doctors have no idea that this common health condition is hurting erections...

How? This common health condition interferes with blood flow to the penis, that's how.

So right now, I'm telling men like you about this health condition that kills penis blood flow and kills erections...

And I'm showing you how to see if you have this condition -- and if you do, how to completely reverse it...

...while increasing blood flow all over the body -- to the heart, to the other major organs, and even the penis...

This reminds me of a famous dialog where Miles Monroe wakes up in the future...

So if your penis is your favorite organ, this may be the most important thing you ever read...

And you won't read this anywhere else, trust me on that...

Not even my doctor knew about the connection between this commonly overlooked health condition and bad penis blood flow...

So as I always do when researching a new health problem, I start with a handy little tool called Google Scholar, which contains a library of medical studies going back 120 years.

But see, Big Pharma works very hard to censor and bury any studies that don't align with their profit-driven system...

They like studies that say their drugs are good and helpful, and they don't like anything that contradicts that.

Google is actually complicit in censoring health websites that Big Pharma doesn't like, believe it or not...

So I have to dig deep to find lost and ignored studies that Big Pharma buries, the ones they hope you never see...

And one of the first things I dig up is a study that blows this whole thing wide open...

Right there in front of me, staring me in the face, is the answer.

Researchers find that ED guys, men with ED, almost always have high blood pressure.

This is the commonly overlooked health condition that is connected to ED.

So if you are suffering from ED, you may right now have high blood pressure or are probably on medication to control it.

But the real bombshell in this study was something else...

All of these men also had bad penis blood flow.

The study reports "impairment of arterial function..."

Which in layman's terms means bad penis blood flow.

And bad penis blood flow is caused by constricted, stiff, and clogged arteries.

That's right.

Bad blood flow happens because of inflamed arteries...

...constricted so they are smaller...

...stiff, so they don't expand when they are supposed to...

...and clogged, so blood can't easily flow through them...

See, the penis is full of these tiny, hair-thin arteries, and they all need to be filled with blood for an erection to happen...

But these tiny, hair-thin vessels get clogged with plaque and lose their flexibility...

...blood can't flow into the erection chambers...

...and this makes erections difficult or even impossible for many men.

And one thing I've learned about erections -- if you don't use it, you lose it.

The longer men go with bad penis blood flow, the more difficult it is to get an erection...

...until men aren't getting erections at all...

This is why morning wood is so important.

If you wake up with great morning wood, you are getting great penis blood flow.

But if morning wood has stopped, you know you have a problem with blood flow...

And another way to know you have a problem with blood flow? High blood pressure.

I know it's shocking, but there is a clear link between poor penis blood flow and high blood pressure.

At first I was puzzled by the link between poor penis blood flow and high blood pressure... it didn't make sense...

But the numbers were clear: most men with poor penis blood flow also have high blood pressure.

So there is clearly and undeniably a link between penis blood flow and blood pressure.

Then it dawned on me with further study...

If your arteries are stiff, constricted, and clogged, so blood flow is suffering...

...your heart has to work much harder to pump blood through these constricted, clogged, and stiff blood vessels.

It's like an old rusted-up water pipe in the ground filled with sediment and debris...

Now imagine trying to get water to flow through that pipe...

The pipe is all constricted by the sediment and dirt and debris, so water is barely trickling out...

So what do you do if you MUST force fluid through that clogged, stiff, and constricted pipe?

You do what the body MUST do.

You turn up the pressure.

You turn up the water pressure to try and force more water through this old grimey pipe.

And that's EXACTLY what your body is doing when you have poor blood flow.

The body turns up the pressure in response to narrow, constricted, and clogged blood vessels...

High blood pressure means less blood flow is getting through to your vital organs, a lot less....

Especially down in the penis chambers where the arteries are so thin and small to begin with...

As a response to this blood flow problem, your body turns up the pressure.

Just like the water pipe.

Isn't it all making sense now?

So what widens the arteries, restores their flexibility, and unclogs them from plaque?

What improves blood flow, especially penis blood flow, so that erections are restored?

Well it may seem like blood pressure medications are the answer... that a drug that lowers blood pressure should also improve blood flow...

...thereby restoring vein-busting, engorged erections...

But we know that isn't true... plenty of men are on blood pressure medications and still having terrible ED.

And now I know why...

The pills often make penis blood flow worse!

Blood pressure medications work by loosening the arteries just a little, so there is less pressure on the heart...

So the pills help expand constricted blood vessels slightly...

...but the pills do nothing to unclog the arteries of plaque or restore their flexibility.

And over time, blood pressure medications actually make things worse BECAUSE they lower blood pressure...

Less pressure means less blood flow, even less than before...

Because high blood pressure may actually be protective!?

If we don't turn up the pressure, we won't get more water flowing through the pipe.

We'd be stuck with the same problem, right?

Not enough water coming through the old clogged up, constricted pipe.

And with blood pressure pills, it's the same -- lower pressure means less blood flow...

...and less blood flow means less penis blood flow... and ED...

So this is why blood pressure medications make ED worse for men even though they lower pressure...

And since blood pressure medications are off the table, what's next?

And that's where most of the 27 months added up... with me trying one thing after another...

...endless experiments and trials...

Sleepless nights, days locked in my study -- my wife, Jodi, was losing patience with me...

I looked into increasing nitric oxide -- would this solve the problem?

Most people think nitric oxide is a really good thing.

It's promoted by many men's health magazines and websites, and said to make blood vessels bigger.

And it's also promoted by the big ED drug companies... they use nitric oxide in Viagra and Cialis.

It's a key part of how the pills work -- or rather, how they're SUPPOSED to work.

So the pharmaceutical reps are always filling the doctor's ears with how good nitric oxide is...

But here's the truth -- nitric oxide is actually very bad for you and doesn't improve blood flow.

Nitric oxide is a chemical produced by the body that should only be used as a last resort, for emergencies.

The more of it you have, the unhealthier it is.

Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to literally leak -- called vascular permeability.

Nitric oxide stops the delicate Leydig cells from producing testosterone:

And it even destroys the delicate cells in the testes:

Still think nitric oxide is a good idea? Think again...

Nitric oxide causes your arteries to leak...

And nitric oxide does nothing for stiffness and plaque, so blood flow still suffers even in the presence of nitric oxide.

So you can see now why ED pills don't work for so many men. ED pills work by increasing nitric oxide.

In this pioneering study, ED pills were shown to destroy the delicate testes in male rats:

ED pills seem to hurt the delicate tissues in the male genitals...and they don't improve penis blood flow, the real cause of most ED.

So again, once I learned nitric oxide was bad, I hit a brick wall... there were times when I wanted to just give up...

But I knew I was SO close to a solution that I just had to keep pressing forward...

Until finally, one winter day, I found it...

...a way to naturally widen the blood vessels, restore their flexibility, and clear out the plaque for better blood flow...

...and most importantly, restore my erections....

...without relying on nitric oxide...

This study I dug up about vasodilation is key:

The word vasoconstriction is the scientific term for stiff, constricted, clogged arteries that lead to bad blood flow.

And the word vasodilation refers to the complete opposite -- wide-open, flexible, plaque-free arteries with excellent blood flow.

This is what we want -- vasodilation!

And I discovered that the key to vasodilation is oxygen -- and a simple mineral used in a certain way...

I call it my Vasodilation Protocol, and it naturally widens the arteries, restores their flexibility, and unclogs them of plaque -- improving blood flow, even "down there."

It works with a natural compound found in the body that is actually helpful, unlike nitric oxide.

It unclogs the arteries, clears them of plaque, and restores their flexibility.

So in just minutes, thanks to my Vasodilation Protocol, you are improving penis blood flow naturally.

And every nook and cranny in the erection chambers will be filled with oxygen-rich blood...

...allowing you to enjoy fuller, harder, longer-lasting erections all the time, even when you're asleep...

And your blood pressure will naturally fall to normal levels on its own, no prescription necessary.

And it's all thanks to my brand new Vasodilation Protocol that can be yours FREE today...

Here are ALL the benefits of using my Vasodilation Protocol...

  • Better penis blood flow...
    • Now those tiny penis blood vessels are wide open, letting plenty of oxygen-rich blood flow through...
    • And blood vessels all over your body are more flexible too, improving blood flow everywhere, not just in your penis...
  • Bigger-looking, more engorged erections...
    • Better penis blood flow means the erection chambers in the penis are completely filling with blood, engorging your manhood...
    • Now your member is looking twice its size in thickness and girth, and FEELING bigger too...

  • Get an erection instantly...
    • Any time you feel the tiniest bit aroused, you are getting rock-hard right then and there... before you had to work at it, but now it's just automatic...
    • This is even better than when you were a teenager because now you can last longer too...
  • Keep an erection for longer...
    • Since more blood is traveling freely through your penis chambers, you are able to stay harder for longer...
    • Now you can last long enough to satisfy her twice, even three times! And she is LOVING it...

  • Perfect blood pressure, naturally...
    • With my Vasodilation Protocol, your blood vessels are open and blood flow is great... so you no longer have high blood pressure!
    • And this is better than the pills because it addresses the ROOT cause of high blood pressure (bad blood flow) -- the pills don't do that!
  • Avoid the harmful blood pressure pills...
    • Now that your pressure is perfect on its own, you can avoid the blood pressure pills altogether...
    • Or if you're already on them, you can stop taking them with your doctor's blessing...

  • A healthier heart...
    • Now you are getting great blood flow all throughout your body, your heart doesn't have to work as hard...
    • It is pumping away, stress-free, sending lots of nutrient-rich blood to all of your vital organs, including your penis!
    • The lowers your risks of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke!
  • Better brain function...
    • More blood flowing to the brain is a great thing! The brain needs tons of oxygen-rich blood to stay healthy and power the rest of our body...
    • Brain fog and memory issues usually disappear on their own once you start getting better blood flow to the brain...

To Get the Vasodilation Protocol for FREE Now:
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