I found men like 100-year-old Hugh Williams living in a sunny retirement community, but pretty much self-sufficient.
People like Charlotte and John Henderson who are 102 and 104 years old respectively and married for 70 years.
Charlotte says she believes being married under God is helping them live such a healthy, happy, loving life together.
And that's what I want for my own life, with my beautiful, loving wife.
If I Can Do This, Anyone Can!
I don't know where you are starting from.
Maybe you're on loads of medication. Maybe you aren't functioning as a man.
My situation was really bad.
My doctors had diagnosed me with an autoimmune condition that has no cure.
I had this since I was a baby. I was in and out of doctor's offices, and as I grew up, it only got worse.
And I felt worse and worse.
I Was Concerned That I'd Be Dead By Age 50.
I was on one pill, then two, then six.
All those pills. All those side effects.
And I literally had to go to the doctor two or sometimes three times a week.
Not to mention emergency room visits.
And feeling so low-energy that it made it difficult to get out of bed.
I was a lousy husband. A lousy employee.
And when I went to the doctor's, it got more and more depressing because nothing was working.
But Today...I No Longer Need Any Medication...
I take some supplements and an occasional aspirin, but beyond that, I take nothing.
I virtually never need to see the doctor.
Remember, this is MY life, and each man must make his own journey -- your experience with Healthy to 120 will be entirely different from mine...
And I don't believe people should avoid doctors -- but my goal is to be so fit and well that I don't NEED doctors.
And I was able to stop taking all my medications and I have never needed them again.
So I save money, avoid all those side effects, and feel great.
My advice to men who are on medications is to work on natural means, so that you can heal and so your doctor tells you, "Stop taking this, you don't need it anymore."
With God's help, I think it is quite possible.
And Life Can Be Amazing...
I have taken this to heart...today I don't need to take a single prescription pill.
I have good, healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels.
And I sleep all night, in a deep REM sleep, without waking up.
When I go to the bathroom, I have no problem emptying my bladder.
And things with my wife are more passionate, more fulfilling and loving than ever before...
All thanks to this little experiment I did on myself... to discover how to be Healthy to 120...
...And Be Thrilled And Happy In A Strong, Physical Relationship With A Woman...
And I think that even if you are single, you can have it all with a woman.
In fact, I have made my book simple and down-to-earth for men who want to have a great physical relationship with a woman...
Even men who are having problems in those areas. Especially for such men!
I Have Been Married More Than Three Decades, And I Can Promise You Now That I Have Never Been More In Love With My Wife Than I Am Today.
And in my book, you'll read only about the things that men care about the most -- like a physical and intimate relationship with a woman...
...in my journey the physical aspects of my relationship with my wife are extremely important. And I can say today, more rewarding than when I was a young man.
This is the power of being Healthy to 120.
When I got off my pills and began experiencing these incredible benefits I started to get requests from friends and family for suggestions with their health issues...
...and today I'm A Full Time Health Researcher!
You see today, doctors and scientists specialize so much.
You have a foot doctor, a knee doctor, a groin doctor, a vein doctor, a neck specialist...
...but as the old song says, the foot bone is connected to the heel bone...
Everything is connected, and hardly anyone is looking at the connections between specialties.
So that's what I decided I would do.
Each day after I drink my milk and coffee and orange juice, I spend hours reading health studies and making connections that nobody else is making.
And I have a stellar Advisory Board to help me including two medical doctors, an ethics expert, and a nutrition expert.
Together, with my team, I make connections that have helped me and countless other men...
And I am realizing that anyone can live to age 120.
This Is The Power Of Being Healthy To 120.
Here's How I'm Making It Work In My Journey:

Join me on my journey to 120.
If you are a man who wants to live a fulfilling life...
If you want to share a more intimate and physically fulfilling relationship with a woman...
If you are the kind of man who believes in a higher purpose, in a more significant, meaningful life...
Then this is for you. You are right where He wants you.
Join me in living the life hopefully to age 120 or even beyond.
How long do you want to live?
Imagine making plans to start an entirely new career at age 90.
Maybe you will jet-set around the world and teach French.
Or maybe at age 100 you will learn a new sport and go scuba diving, or learn about butterflies and help underprivileged kids in Latin America.

Why is it so far-fetched?
In fact, my book shows how men can potentially live decades longer than they ever expected to live.
So how did I come up with these secrets?
Years ago, I decided to make it my business to figure out how I could live to 120 years old.
120 years old is the human's theoretical maximum life span (and it may be too low even.)
You may think I'm crazy, but I'm planning to live that long. And you should too.
This is the power of being Healthy to 120.
So tell me this -- how long do you THINK you will live?
Some people say 80, some people say 90… but why stop there?
Why not live longer?
Every day, new medical discoveries are being made, making it entirely possible for men like you and me to live to 100 or 110, even 120.
In fact, I wrote a book showing men how to live potentially decades longer than they ever expected…
...using natural remedies I’ve discovered that are safe and free from side effects...
And you may think I’m crazy, for planning on living to 120…but I think it’s possible for you too.

I’m planning on living decades longer and still being completely self-sufficient.
Like Richard Overton, a 109-year man who still smokes cigars and drives around town in his truck in Austin, Texas.

He is the last surviving World War II veteran in the world.
He built his own home in 1945, and he’s still living there by himself to this day.
Richard’s secret to a long life is doing what makes him happy, like going to church, eating ice cream, and playing with his cat.
I want to keep doing all the things that make me happy too, until I’m also 110 or even 120.
And one of the things that makes me happy is the work I do.
As a health researcher, I am constantly uncovering breakthrough health remedies that help men live healthier, happier lives.
And I don’t plan on ever retiring! I love what I do.
Like Charles Godfrey, a 100-year-old professor and physician who is still practicing medicine in not just one clinic, but multiple clinics across Toronto!

Everybody loves the guy -- his patients, his staff, even politicians across Canada.
Because Dr. Godfrey is still cracking jokes, dressing up in funny costumes, and continuing to help people live healthier, happier lives in his 100s.
And that’s exactly how I plan to live using everything I’ve discovered in my years as a health researcher.
And when I say I want to live a long life, I mean I want to live a long HEALTHY life.
I don’t want to be sick or too frail to get out of bed. That’s not living!
I want to live like Bernando LaPollo, an Arizona man who is 114 and still going strong.

Bernando says he’s never been sick a day in his life, and he just eats natural foods and goes on a long walk every morning.
He keeps his brain sharp by reading books, playing Checkers, and doing crossword puzzles.
And yes, he still lives alone in his own home!
That’s the way I plan to do it. I don’t want to end up in a nursing home, wasting away.
I want to be 100 years old and still be able to take my beautiful wife, Jodi, on a cruise around town.
Like Joe Newman, a 107-year-old man living in Florida, who is still driving around town having a great time with his woman.

Joe is even engaged to be married! His wife-to-be is turning 100 soon.
And if you’re anything like me, you know that spending quality time with loved ones is the most important thing.
Robert Weighton, 112 years old and the oldest living man in Britain, has 3 children, 10 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren…
...and he loves spending time with them all!
They go to lunch as a group every few weeks, and it’s one of Robert’s favorite things.

Robert also enjoys his hobbies, like practicing his woodworking at home where he still lives.
And I believe having hobbies like this keeps you young!
For instance, meet Ignacio Aguilar, a Catamayan man who is 115 years old and STILL dancing like he’s a young man.

Every single day, Ignacio walks across town to see his friends at the senior center.
He loves playing games, making art, and singing with a band.
And he still very much enjoys flirting with the young women in town.
That’s the way I want to be at 115, and I think it’s more than possible doing things my way.
Something else I think is very critical is not needing constant medical care.
Not needing doctors and medicines and procedures year after year.
I want to live a long HEALTHY life free from doctors and hospitals.
And that’s the way 99-year-old Orville Rogers is doing it.
Orville loves running marathons and has no plan to stop running them anytime soon.

He’s run over 42,000 miles, and he still loves going to the gym every day and working out on the machines.
Orville is also a published author and travels around promoting his book.
He’s the picture of health, and he plans on being around for at least another decade.
Inspiring stuff! And if he can do it, why not me or you?
Like I said before, I love what I do so much that I don’t even consider it work.
And I believe that it keeps me young and energetic with a clear purpose
I want to continue being a health researcher for 60 more years.
And if you don’t think it’s possible…
Meet George C. Seward, a 100-year-old practicing lawyer who has been doing this for more than 70 years and has no plans to ever retire.

George loves being a lawyer so much, he refuses to even call it work.
If George gets his wish, he is planning on continuing to fight legal battles in court for his clients until his last day here on Earth.
And that’s the way I want to go out too, helping other men live full, healthy, happy lives until my last breath.
My purpose is to share my health discoveries with as many men as possible, so they can do what I’m doing and hopefully live to 120.
And this purpose keeps me going day after day, year after year.
I’m sure Anthony Mancinelli, the oldest living full-time barber who cuts hair 5 days a week in his shop in New York, can say the same.

Anthony is 107 years old and loves what he does so much that he never wants to stop.
His energy never fails, and he has many loyal clients who depend on him which keeps him going strong.
It’s similar with Irving Kahn, a 106-year-old stockbroker who has been working on Wall Street since 1928.

Now Irving is a value investor and enjoys a slightly slower-paced life than being on the floor as a trader.
He got to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange for his 100th birthday, and is loving life every single day that he’s here.
That’s the way to do it, if you ask me.
I’m using my discoveries to be as healthy as possible, so I can just focus on being happy and doing what I love.
For some, true happiness may come from retiring, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Your purpose may not be the job you had for 50 years.
Your purpose may be something else that you love, something you never had time to do before.
It’s whatever makes you happy -- whether that be working on Wall Street or tinkering around in your garden shed.
Sydney, a 101 year old man living in Britain, loves spending time in his “office.”
And that office just happens to be his shed in the garden, where he has memorabilia from his career as a musician.

He’s happy as can be living in his own home and doing whatever he feels like doing every day.
He may not have a full-time job anymore, but he’s still plenty active and plenty happy.
Then you have men like Buster, a 100-year-old British auto shop worker who just truly loves going to work every day.

Buster may love his work, but he also loves relaxing!
After work, Buster walks to the local pub and smokes and drinks like he has every day since 1917.
Many people mistake him for a man 30 or 40 years younger, and that’s the way he likes it!
He’s not going to let a little thing like age slow him down.
Same goes for Rosie, a 101-year-old man living on his own in Arizona.

Rosie loves going out every Friday night to the club to sing and play music on stage.
He has tons of energy to light up the crowd, and people can’t believe how old he is when he tells them.
Rosie is also known as a ladies man in town and has many younger girlfriends.
But he’d like to settle down soon with a woman who can love him for him.
I’m lucky to have a loving, loyal wife, and I want to spend as many years as I can with her.
I plan on living side by side with my wife until I’m 120 years old.
But why stop there?
Meet Magomed, the oldest man in Russia and perhaps the oldest man on Earth at 121 years old.

He’s a retired farmer, but still grows and eats his own food.
His mind is sharp, and he’s something of a local celebrity in his town.
He often leads prayers and gives advice to his visitors.
If Magomed is 121, maybe we can even go beyond that!

As a man, I always have this grave thought at the back Of my mind going: "You dont have much time left, are you going to do everything you wanted before the sand runs out?" But this book has allowed me to live with confidence again. With the tips and actionable advice inside I have regained the energy and drive to do what I could only dream of before. Now everytime I wake up in the morning I smile because I have my health, energy and confidence to approach women, exercise and learn. I am confident that thanks to this book I will cross-out everything from my bucket list and when I'm over 100, I'll be so satisfied with the life I've lived that I wont be afraid of time running out. This is truly the best gift any man can get.
Thanks Matt!
Matt, your informative advice is greatly appreciated. Your writings identify specific deficiencies—and potential conflicts between physical sources—which most men know nothing about. Amazing that we are not told of these basics when we are young guys!
- Rob Wold
Hi Matt, you rock! Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks, and hidden gems. Keep up the good work.
First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning. Just stunning. Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into them. Congratulations and thank you. Seriously.
Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome, life-transforming information I have ever discovered. After taking several of your courses I have enough information to last me for the rest of my life. The journey you have sent me on is never ending and as I continue to work your program my life will continue to transform as I progress. Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to taking further courses from you.
- Jim S.
Healthy to 120 is for men who are tired of feeling bad about their health…
...men who are sick of taking multiple prescription drugs and dealing with the side effects…
Healthy to 120 is for men who want to live a healthy, happy, sexy life using natural remedies found here on Earth.
It’s for men who want to spend decades longer with their loved ones, and be able to share a special intimate connection with a woman.
Healthy to 120 is for me, and it’s probably for you too. So you can have it for free.
Healthy to 120 is my life’s work -- a 365 page book I’ve written for men who want to live the way I’m living…
...naturally, without pills, and physically fulfilled as a man, hopefully to 120 or beyond.
Inside Healthy to 120 are all my best discoveries like:
Which medications are actually dangerous, what they were doing to my health, and how I was able to get off of them…
...and how great it feels to see my doctor and hear him say: “Wow, you don’t need these anymore!”
In fact, you can probably find some of the same medications you’re taking in my book…
...and you can see what I have uncovered and show the breakthroughs to your doctor.
I think it will help a great deal to have more breakthroughs like this easily available to men.
And all of these breakthroughs, everything I’ve discovered -- it’s all based upon scientific research and real, medical studies.
I think you are just the kind of guy who would find this information life-changing.
And I hope this book can allow you to hopefully begin living this same type of life yourself.
This special offer really is special.
In fact, I wanted to make it so good that you’d feel silly for passing it up if you truly do care about living a healthier, happier, sexier life.
So here’s everything you’re getting:
FREE Healthy to 120 Book
My book, Healthy to 120, is $29.95 on Amazon, but you’re getting it for just shipping and handling.
PLUS - you'll get Instant Access to the digital eBook version so you can get started immediately!
Free bonus: receive our acclaimed DMD email. We never share your information.
You’re getting added to my exclusive email list where I will reveal brand new discoveries in real time.
At first, I was just sending this new information out to a few friends... but then more and more men wanted access to these instant updates…
Now almost 300,000 men are reading my health updates, and they’re finding specific actions that they can take right away for immediate results.
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Call anytime and our team will be glad to help you.
Because I want to help all the men across America who are being affected by current events...I’ve decided to give Healthy to 120 away free.
These are little-known natural health discoveries that can help you live to 120 years old, and not just live longer, but live with great health, happiness, and spiritual and physical fulfillment.
All I ask is that you pay a small one-time shipping and handling fee of just $9 to help cover our costs. Shipping and handling is very expensive these days, and I would really appreciate any help you can give.
PLUS 24 FREE Bonus Reports ($129 Value)
Drugs for Pennies on the Dollar
Here is exactly how my family uses a secret loophole to get the same, safe, pure drugs they could get at my neighborhood pharmacy, for a fraction of the cost.
5-Minute Natural Home Tooth Whitening
I find this makes my teeth really white! Here’s how I have teeth as white as I want, safely, and for only pennies, taking me less than 5 minutes at home…
5-Minute Joint Pain Relief
My whole family uses this safe joint pain relief that’s over 100 years old, but only recently rediscovered. This formula uses ingredients found in virtually any kitchen cupboard…
10-Cent Drops to Help Aging Eyes
My wife Jodi uses these drops, in the hopes of keeping her eyes young. I’ve found studies that show the drops have a long history of working to protect and maintain healthy vision, and her eye doctor is very supportive.
Relieving Back Pain
How I am erasing my back pain with a simple mental exercise, so that my brain cannot even feel the pain anymore. And it keeps working for me long-term.
Homemade Icy Type Balm for Pennies
It’s easy and takes me just 2 minutes to make the best, cleanest-feeling, effective balm to rub anywhere on my body and remove pain right away…
How I’m Cheating My Dentist Out of $10,000
How I’m avoiding costly and bankrupting, sometimes painful, sessions in the dental chair. My dentist gawked at my last Panoramic X-Ray because my teeth were in such good shape.
Virus Fighting Protocol
I’ve been using my very own Flu and Virus protocol to stay healthy during these trying times. I’ve also shared it with my family and friends who want to boost their natural immunity to avoid sickness.
Tee Soup Protocol
How I’m doubling and even tripling my natural testosterone levels with a simple food you probably already have in your kitchen right now. It’s cheap and easy to prepare, and it’s helped me raise my testosterone past 900.
God’s Baking Soda Miracle
Most people have no idea that this seemingly ordinary white powder has incredible health properties, and it costs less than $1 for a whole pound! This is a completely natural remedy put here on Earth by God himself.
Secret Hair Growth Solution
Hair loss runs in my family, so I found two simple, natural ingredients that I rub on my scalp before bed to promote fresh hair growth while slowing down hair loss. And I still have a full, healthy head of hair that my wife loves.
Prostate Solution Bible
There are so many natural treatments men can use to keep their prostate healthy and happy, without resorting to dangerous drugs or surgeries. I’ve compiled all the best natural prostate remedies I’ve been using in one place for other men to see.
PLUS many more bonus reports of an intimate nature especially for couples...