Matt Cook's Tee Soup:
Take 2 Minutes to Cook This And Watch Your Testosterone Fly High
Hint: Helps Lower Estrogen While Skyrocketing Testosterone for a Double Manhood Whammy
Hey, Matt Cook here, and right now I'm sharing what finally fixed my low T problem...
I'm making my discovery public here to help other guys who are struggling the way I was...
...especially men who have tried traditional testosterone treatments and are still suffering...
My discovery is something I call my Tee Soup, and it's a broth I make from 2 simple, cheap ingredients...
And thanks to this, I'm living the high T life with great health, great erections, and a ton of confidence.
And there's no reason why you can't use this discovery to live the same way I'm living.
So how does my Tee Soup work?
Well here's something shocking I discovered...
Most men have no problem producing testosterone. In fact, many men produce lots of natural testosterone just fine.
Yet they still have low T...
And the reason is because of a little process called aromatization.
With aromatization, the body takes freshly made testosterone and converts it into estrogen.
Not good for a man who wants to have high T!
It's as if you're in the kitchen making lots of food, filling plate after plate...
But you don't get to eat even one bite.
Every time you make a new plate of food and reach for it, it's gone.
And that's what's happening in the male body with aromatization -- every time testosterone is made, it just gets converted into estrogen.
Well, my Tee Soup helps stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
So now my Leydig cells are producing testosterone and the majority of it is STAYING testosterone...
It is no longer being converted into estrogen in my body.
And better yet, my Tee Soup helps make sure the extra estrogen that's been building up in my body LEAVES my body.
For good -- instead of just piling up in the gut, which is what usually happens.
It siphons the estrogen out with my stomach bile.
And finally, my testosterone starts to rise...
And after just a few weeks of sipping my Tee Soup, I wake up with morning wood again for the first time in years.
My wife is so excited, she mounts me right away, and I actually last 20 minutes before finishing.
This hasn't happened in months, maybe longer...
And my wife is just as excited as I am. She starts waking me up in the morning and climbing right on.
And the feeling I have now... indescribable. It's like I got my mojo back.
Things just keep improving too...
Slowly but surely, I drop several pants sizes. I go from a size 38 to a size 32.
The extra fat around my chest and midsection eventually turns into muscle, and it has stayed that way.
I don't even work out. I stay active, but I eat what I want and my wife complains about it all the time, LOL.
Today my testosterone is close to 900, and my doctor is amazed.
He keeps telling me, on the rare times I have to pop in for a check-up: "Keep doing what you're doing, because it is working."
And I think my Tee Soup may work very well for you too.
Believe it or not, you may be able to double or even triple your natural testosterone using this.
And I bet you already have the ingredients for this Tee Soup in your kitchen right now.
And if not, don't worry -- because it's only 2 cheap ingredients that you can find in virtually ANY supermarket.
And in just 3 minutes at home, following my secret way of preparing these 2 ingredients, you can make my Tee Soup...
...which I find to be the most potent natural aromatase inhibitor on the planet!
And for convenience, you can do what I do and prepare some Tee Soup in advance.
Since you only need a few tablespoons a day, you can make a lot and use it throughout the week.
And you can easily take it with you on the go.
I do this all the time, especially if I'm going on a romantic weekend with the wife...
And it's so quick and easy, I actually do sip my Tee Soup every day and stick to it.
And I've found that's so important for getting real results -- something that is simple, cheap, and safe, so you can easily stick to it.
And my Tee Soup is safe for virtually any man, and it's very gentle on the system...
...gentle on the system, but will make a man raring to go with his wife or girlfriend!
For instance, stay with me here... the year is 1997...
I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor, wishing my life was different...
There's a pit of despair and shame in my stomach and it's making me sick.
I've just failed to get it up...AGAIN...and my wife is now drifting off to sleep unfulfilled and dissatisfied.
I know the feeling...
See, I'm not happy with my low testosterone...
I know my low T is the reason why I'm struggling to get an erection, why I have all this extra belly fat and no muscle mass.
I'm pretty sure that it's my low T that is the problem.
I just don't know what to do about it.
And I've tried all the traditional testosterone treatments...
I've tried pills, patches, gels, and even injections.
Nothing has worked for me.
And my doctor doesn't have any other answers for me... guess I'm on my own.
In fact, this is what leads me to become a health researcher... to give up my day job and make this a full-time thing.
I'm so sick and tired of living this way -- of disappointing my wife time and time again...
...of looking down in the shower and not even being able to see my own dick over my belly...
...and just having zero confidence in myself, and in my abilities in bed...
So you know what... I decide to do something about it.
I decide to start reading 10-15 medical studies a day.
I start traveling around the world -- places like Peru, Vietnam, and university campuses right here in the U.S.
I talk to scientists and researchers, experts in their fields.
I seek out men who are 90 or 100 years old with high testosterone and great health, desperate to know their secrets...
And the big thing I discover -- too much of my testosterone is getting turned into estrogen...
I have all the tell-tale signs and symptoms of too much estrogen in the body.
Widespread inflammation... gut problems...
Extra belly fat and less muscle, even when I'm working out and watching what I eat...
Erectile dysfunction -- not getting hard, going soft, or coming too soon.
These are all signs that my real problem is high estrogen.
So you can see why high estrogen is so bad for men.
I'm sure you've heard estrogen referred to as the "female" hormone.
That's because women typically have higher amounts of estrogen compared to testosterone...while men have higher testosterone than estrogen.
But a lot of things can disrupt this delicate balance -- there are toxins all around us all the time.
In the food we eat, in the bathroom products we use, even in the water we drink...
So eventually men are left with too much estrogen, and this is the last thing men want.
Too much estrogen reduces sex drive and lowers sperm counts.
It makes it difficult if not impossible for a man to get an erection and perform with a woman.
High estrogen can even slow down the metabolism and lead to health problems like diabetes.
And it can lead to a lot of extra fat in unwanted places, like the belly and the chest area.
And this is my problem -- too much estrogen and too little testosterone.
And believe it or not, testosterone treatments only make this problem worse!
Testosterone treatments like patches, pills, and injections may seem like the answer for many men.
But what most men don't know is that the body only produces 5 mg of testosterone a day.
And when doctors give men testosterone treatments, the doses are much, much higher than 5mg...
Most doctors prescribe 250 or 500mg a day!
So the body doesn't know what to do with all this extra testosterone -- it's too much at once...
And that leads to our old friend, aromatization -- where the extra testosterone just gets converted into estrogen.
So no wonder so many men are suffering from high estrogen!
Millions of men are prescribed costly testosterone treatments every year.
And it turns out, testosterone isn't even the problem -- it's estrogen.
Which changes everything for me... because now I know where to look and what to look for...
Eight years of research later, I figure out how to reverse this problem...
Naturally, without the need for any Big Pharma treatments or weekly doctor appointments.
The key is something I remember from a conversation with a University of California researcher...
It leads me to do a bunch of little tests on myself, little experiments... I've got powders everywhere and the kitchen is a mess, my wife is annoyed by it...
But finally, it's all worth it, and my wife would agree today... I find the solution...
...a Tee Soup that acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor.... testosterone STAYS testosterone and T levels rise...
And I want you to be able to try my Tee Soup for free.
If you are suffering like I was suffering all those years ago, this may really help you.
And if you've tried all the traditional testosterone treatments without success, this could be the thing that finally works.
I hope it works for you as it is working for me.
Not only has this Tee Soup doubled, almost tripled my natural T -- it's also boosted my health and performance in a lot of ways!
Here are all the benefits men can experience using my Tee Soup:
- Potentially double or triple your natural testosterone levels from a simple kitchen ingredient...
- I've found that for many men, our bodies are producing testosterone just fine...but too much of it is getting turned into estrogen! So once you use my Tee Soup to Slow Down Aromatization, your T levels are finally rising...even if you've tried other T treatments before without success...
- First T is rising by a little...20 points here, 30 points there...then by a lot...50 points, 70 points...eventually doubling, maybe even tripling! And often, after using this Tee Soup for 6 weeks or more, many men have higher testosterone levels than men 20 or 30 years younger! And Sex is Better Than Ever...
- Prevent estrogen levels from getting too high...
- The beauty of my Tee Soup is how it works in two ways -- to boost testosterone while keeping estrogen levels low. And it does this by slowing down the process of aromatization, so Testosterone STAYS Testosterone -- no more converting it straight into estrogen...
- And for many men, the result is Lower and Lower Estrogen Levels...less of the more feminine hormone that men don't need in large amounts... and my Tee Soup helps ensure the leftover estrogen gets eliminated through the gut properly, so estrogen levels don't just go down, but stay down...
- Turn excess fat into muscle mass without strenuous workouts...
- My wife is always getting mad at me because I don't diet, I don't work out in a gym, and I still have plenty of muscle tone where I once had fat. And my Tee Soup helps me do this by keeping my testosterone levels higher than a teenage boy's. See, men with higher testosterone levels have an Easier Time Building Muscle instead of fat, even without spending time in the gym.
- So now you're seeing your arm muscles become more defined in the mirror, your pecs start poking out of your shirts, and your tummy is flattening, making you pull in your belt....And it's not because you're killing yourself in the gym or cutting carbs or counting calories -- you're just keeping your T levels high and letting your body do the rest! This is what I call living the High T Life...
- Improve erections for better performance...
- More testosterone is also shown to improve erections in men, whereas high estrogen levels do the opposite. So with my Tee Soup, many men start enjoying more frequent, full erections that are harder and more impressive-looking -- I call them T Rising Towel Hangers -- and they can last as long as 30 minutes...for some men, even longer!
- And this is how you remember it as a young man! Getting really good rigid ones without evening trying to. Making your wife or girlfriend blush with arousal when she sees what you've got waiting for her...And believe me, she is going to be downright GLEEFUL when she sees how easy it is for you to sport a big, rigid one for her now...She's going to go from a Purring Kitten to a Tigress!
- Enjoy a more robust sex drive...
- Studies show that when men have more testosterone, sex drive goes up... even if it's been months or years since you last felt this way! My Tee Soup helps testosterone levels stay high, allowing men of any age to enjoy a Young Man's Drive and feel like they did 20 or 30 years ago, when sex was all you could think about, jerking it all the time in secret, LOL...
- Well now you're finding yourself sneaking off to jerk it in secret again! Because your drive is Through the Roof and you have the energy to go more than once, and all you can think about is having sex and satiating this huge sexual appetite you now have in any way you can, alone or with a partner...
- Increase gut motility...
- So many of my students have gut problems and they don't know that Estrogen Is Part of the Problem...But that's the only way estrogen can leave the body -- through the gut. And many times, the estrogen doesn't get eliminated properly and builds up in the gut, causing men all sorts of problems, not just in the bedroom...
- With my Tee Soup, you can naturally Wipe the Gut Clean of extra estrogen built up there, and you may find your digestion improving along with your estrogen levels and your testosterone levels...and I've found men with poor gut health almost always struggle to get good erections. So this is an important benefit of my Tee soup.
- Boost your metabolism...
- Scientists have found that men with higher testosterone levels have a More Youthful Metabolism. Their mitochondria are more efficient and they burn more fat as body heat. This is why I can get away with eating pizza and enchiladas and ice cream. My metabolism burns it off for me now that my T levels are so high.
- So get ready to start enjoying all your favorite foods again and not have to feel guilty about eating them! Now you're fueling your body more efficiently, so whatever you eat -- whether it's hamburgers, french fries, smoothies, whatever -- it's giving you pure, vibrant're Feeling on Top of the World...and you're staying fit without even trying to!
- Better heart health...
- Research shows us that Testosterone is Protective for men, especially for the heart. Men with high testosterone generally have lower blood pressure and less risk for cardiovascular disease. The heart gets better blood flow and doesn't have to work so hard. And this means men with higher T are able to do all the activities they love without riding, hiking, tennis, high intensity sports, even sex!
- You may also find like I did that using this Tee Soup actually lowers your blood pressure for you. Since good, healthy T levels are linked to Better Blood Flow, my pressure just fell to normal levels on its own! I got off the blood pressure pills and it was one of the best things I ever did.
- Protect your prostate...
- More testosterone is good for the prostate too! Studies show good, high testosterone levels help reduce prostate inflammation and may even help Prevent Prostate Cancer -- but ONLY when you lower estrogen levels. And that's exactly what my Tee Soup is designed to do! So it's great for the prostate too.
- I credit this with helping me actually sleep through the night. No more getting up to pee 3 or 4 times. No more struggling to empty my bladder. Now when I pee, it's a steady, strong stream. My prostate isn't inflamed or sore. And I know it's because my T levels are good and high while estrogen stays low -- which only helps with prostate health.
- Become more attractive to women...
- The science doesn't lie! Women are biologically more attracted to men with good, healthy testosterone levels. It's nature's way of helping women pick the right mate. So now you're going out and seeing women give you the eye almost everywhere you go! They want to approach you, talk to you, ask you out...and it's because they sense that You're the Alpha Male they need in their beds tonight!
- My wife, Jodi, told me I smelled better after I was using this Tee Soup for a few weeks. Weird, right? But I've read that Women Sense Men's Hormones through smell, so it makes sense! And while my T continued to rise, Jodi continued to be more flirty and started seducing me for a change. A guy could get used to this, LOL.
- Feel more confident and outgoing...
- Testosterone is well-known to increase a man's confidence. Some call it "macho-ness." Most men say they start feeling more confident in their own skin. They Outperform Other Men at work, in the classroom, on the basketball court. And especially when it comes to picking up women.
- High T Men can go into a room full of young, twenty-somethings and know they've got those young guys beat. And that will be you once you join me in living the High T life, and feeling sure and confident in your own skin and in what you bring to the table (and to the bedroom!). And I don't know about you, but the high testosterone life is the only life for me...